Wanted: Godly Seed

I am one of the pastors at the Prayer Faith & Encouragement Ministry Int’l (PFEM Int’l).

Twenty-three years ago, on Sunday, March 17, 1996, when PFEM Int’l had its first service under the garage of its founder’s home, I did not really understand the great responsibility and relevance of the ministry’s call and mandate for the end times. Eight years later in 2004, when I drafted the first booklet chronicling the history of the ministry, I penned the words as spoken to me by its founder, but I still did not recognize and appreciate how significant PFEM’s mandate was to the kingdom of God and ultimately the body of Christ.

For the past several months, we have been embarking on the rebirth of PFEM Int’l in both Antigua & Barbuda and in South Carolina, USA. During this time, the eyes of my understanding are being enlightened, and I am beginning to grasp the enormity of the assignment that we have been given as a ministry.

Recently, within the last seven years, PFEM Int’l has been undergoing a level of warfare that to the eyes of many have brought death to the ministry or has put the ministry in a debilitating state. Many of the warriors of the ministry have left the fight and others have been scattered.

According to www.vocabulary.com, “something that’s debilitating seriously affects someone or something’s strength or ability to carry on with regular activities, like a debilitating illness. Debilitating comes from the Latin word debilis, meaning “weak.” That’s why you’ll often see the adjective used to describe illness. After all, serious diseases weaken the body. Other things that can be debilitating are those that can stop you from reaching a goal, like a debilitating snow storm that forces you to stay home, or debilitating shyness that keeps you from reaching out to the people you want to meet.”

In addition, www.dictionary.com provides synonyms for debilitate. These include
1. Weaken: to make weak or feeble; enfeeble:
2. Deplete: to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of:
3. Enervate: to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.
4. Devitalize: to deprive of vitality or vital properties; make lifeless; weaken.

Our adversary attacked the families in our ministry, targeted our mission/assignment, and seemingly destroyed our witness with the aim of bringing us to a halt in the execution of our assignment. But why attack us? Why is he so angry with us as a ministry?

He is angry with us because of what we are carrying: an assignment to bring forth godly seed. The fight has always been and will continue to be about the seed. Satan’s last day assignment is to destroy godly seed from this world by destroying the God-ordained institution through which godly seed will come: the institution of family. PFEM’s assignment is to build families and provide godly models of families in ministry AND to train families to recognize and utilize their God-given gifts and talents for the work of the ministry of OUTREACH and HELPS to other souls.

The Lord has promised in Isaiah 49: 24-25,Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, Or the captives of the righteous be delivered? But thus says the Lord: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.

I continue to be challenged and resolve to fight to preserve godly seed, starting with my own. Will you join the fight? There is a need for godly seed.

1. The Blog Post – You Are Not Too Late! It’s Not Over!
2. The Bible Study Teaching – It’s All About the Seed!
3. Prayer Room – Warfare for My Children