Who told you that you were naked? – Genesis 3:9-11

I was fine until he said, ….

I was sure that I had heard from God but then she asked me, ….

Sisters, we are living in perilous times. Deceptive spirits are on the rise with the agenda to lead us away from the truth. We are constantly being bombarded with knowledge. Every other type of knowledge except the knowledge of God seems to be magnified in our society and if we are not careful we will be led astray. Just like he did in the garden of Eden, as recorded in Genesis 3, that old serpent, our adversary the devil is seeking to cause us to lose our identity. He does this by injecting knowledge (information) that would tempt us to doubt or question what God said about us and to us.

If there ever was a time for us to identify the source of the knowledge that we live by, it is now. Why? Whomever or whatever we allow to inform us has the power to influence our concept and perception of who we are and ultimately our destinies.

Mother Eve gave her ears to the serpent, received and acted on the knowledge that he provided her, and her life changed forever. Not only her life, but the life of those connected to her as well. Her husband listened to her voice and his subsequent actions changed how he viewed himself and her. Before the introduction of that new knowledge, they were naked and unashamedGenesis 2:25 . A chapter later, we see them hiding, naked and afraidGenesis 3:9-11. This new knowledge changed how they viewed each other and how they viewed God. It changed their relationship with each other and their relationship with God.

God, after observing their behavior, knew they were listening to someone other than him. He asked Adam, “Where are you?” Adam’s reply was, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” The Lord God asked, “Who told you that you were naked?

Does that sound similar to you? You used to ….. But not anymore. Your behavior has changed. You give all sorts of excuses for your changed behavior but you know deep on the inside, the change was the result of something you heard. Your pastor told you…. Your spouse told you…. Society told you …. Circumstances told you…. That sickness told you …. Your thoughts told you …. Then you started to doubt and walked away from the truth: you walked into deception.

But today, the Spirit of the Living God has come to remind you of the truth and to set you free. You are not naked! You are not disqualified! You are not rejected! You are not insufficient or incompetent! You are God’s creation, made in His image and likeness – Genesis 1:26. You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus – 2 Corinthians 5:21. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength – Philippians 4:13.

Knowing the answer to the question, “Who are you?”, frees you to be greater and do greater. It steers you on the path to fulfill your purpose, your assignments here on earth. Do not allow anyone or any circumstance to cause you to lose your identity. Embrace who God says you are and reject all the lies of the enemy!

Prayer: Lord God, forgive me for giving my ear to the voices all around that sought to drown out your voice. I reject any counsel or knowledge that does not align with what you say. Please work in me to desire and act out truth concerning who you say I am and embrace it without fear, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!


Bible Study 1: Who told you that you were naked?
Bible Study 2: The Power of Knowledge