Give Thanks!

“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)

Every morning as the sun rises, every time the rain falls, every time an animal deposits its waste on the ground (soil), and every time the weight of a bee settles on a flower, it is an opportunity for that plant to receive what it needs to grow and multiply. To some, the heat of the sun, the wetness of the rain, the stench of the manure, and the weight of the bee may be perceived as NEGATIVES, discomfort, and even pain but, to others, these same things are perceived as BLESSINGS.

There is [an] opportunity for growth in EVERY situation that comes our way. This is why the Lord God said, through Paul, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV).

Friends, we can choose to view these situations as earthen vessels with treasures buried within and hunt for the treasures that will enrich our lives with growth and multiplication. OR we can choose to stay at a place of depression and defeat. The choice is yours. Choose well!

Right thing, Wrong time

Grace and I were on our way to visit a church. I punched in the address in the GPS and we set off. According to the GPS, the journey should be about 26 minutes, that is, it should take us about 26 minutes to get to our destination. About 6 minutes into the journey, Grace asked, “Mummy, are you watching the map?” I then looked at the GPS, sighed and said, “I just added 3 minutes to our time.”

I missed a turn! I was distracted; I was engrossed in thought. I was not concentrating on or paying attention to the journey because my mind was preoccupied with what the Lord had revealed to me that morning during my time with Him. I was doing a good thing, a God-thing but at the wrong time. 

The consequence of my inattention was additional stops and ultimately delay. The initial route from the point where I veered off required 6 traffic lights stops but the route I ended up taking had over 15 traffic light stops. As I drove and waited at each traffic light, I fought the feelings of frustration that the wait invoked. I told myself there was nothing I could do, at this point, but stay the course and remain focused going forward so I can make it to my destination sooner than later.

As I talked myself into remaining calm, I pondered on how the delay meant that we would miss what was ministered to the congregation within the first 5 minutes of the 1-hour service as well as whatever else the Lord had prepared to release into our lives at that time. I saw how delay not only makes the heart sick but it robs us of some of what was rightfully prepared for us, while bringing into our lives unnecessary interruptions and the frustrations that accompany them.

I thought of my current journey and wondered:

  1. Could it be that the frustrations that I am experiencing is because of a delay?
  2. Could it be that I am doing the right thing but because of lack of focus I have fallen behind schedule and am no longer in sync with the timing of God?
  3. Could it be that the delay or setbacks I am blaming the adversary for are a result of my failure to be intentional or give keen attention to my journey?
  4. Could it be that I am doing the right thing but at the wrong time?

I am reminded of the five foolish virgins in the parable Jesus taught in Matthew 25. The reason they did not experience their expected end (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV) was because they were doing the right thing at the wrong time.

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10, NIV). 

These virgins were doing the right thing: “going to those who sell oil and buying some for themselves” so that they could complete their assignment of lighting the path for the bridal procession. They ended up at the right destination: the wedding banquet but were denied access. Why? Although they were doing the right thing and were at the right place, they had missed the right time. Their lack of focus and attention during the journey opened the door to a delay that caused them to be out of time and to incur unnecessary sufferings.

Similarly, we are told in Luke 19:40-44 that Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed their time of visitation and the price they would pay was untold sufferings.

On the other hand, the Shunnamite woman understood that it was not enough to do the right thing; the right thing must be done at the right time. 2 Kings 8 1-4 (NIV) tells us , “Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, “Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the Lord has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years.” The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years. At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to appeal to the king for her house and land.”

She moved in the timing prescribed and “It so happened that as Gehazi was telling the king the story of the dead person brought back to life, the woman whose son was brought to life showed up asking for her home and farm” (2 Kings 8:5, MSG). The king ordered, “Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now” (2 Kings 8:6, NIV).

My dear friends, when we do the right things at the right time, we intercept the things that God has already prepared for us. But we must be mindful that it is possible to be following the leading of the Holy Spirit and still fall behind schedule. How? If we are not vigilant about distractions, especially those that stem from within – internal distractions- we can propagate a cycle of delay in our lives, limiting ourselves from being and doing ALL that the Lord God has fashioned us to be and do. In this year of recovery, let us be intentional about being on the lookout for distractions, staying focused, and endeavoring not only to obey but to be in time as well.

Let us pray: O Heavenly Father, please grant me the grace for discernment that you gave the sons of Issachar so I can understand not only what you want me to do but the right time at which it should be done. I break the cycle of delay over my life, in Jesus’ name, and receive strength to be vigilant as I follow the leading of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Who told you that you were naked? – Genesis 3:9-11

I was fine until he said, ….

I was sure that I had heard from God but then she asked me, ….

Sisters, we are living in perilous times. Deceptive spirits are on the rise with the agenda to lead us away from the truth. We are constantly being bombarded with knowledge. Every other type of knowledge except the knowledge of God seems to be magnified in our society and if we are not careful we will be led astray. Just like he did in the garden of Eden, as recorded in Genesis 3, that old serpent, our adversary the devil is seeking to cause us to lose our identity. He does this by injecting knowledge (information) that would tempt us to doubt or question what God said about us and to us.

If there ever was a time for us to identify the source of the knowledge that we live by, it is now. Why? Whomever or whatever we allow to inform us has the power to influence our concept and perception of who we are and ultimately our destinies.

Mother Eve gave her ears to the serpent, received and acted on the knowledge that he provided her, and her life changed forever. Not only her life, but the life of those connected to her as well. Her husband listened to her voice and his subsequent actions changed how he viewed himself and her. Before the introduction of that new knowledge, they were naked and unashamedGenesis 2:25 . A chapter later, we see them hiding, naked and afraidGenesis 3:9-11. This new knowledge changed how they viewed each other and how they viewed God. It changed their relationship with each other and their relationship with God.

God, after observing their behavior, knew they were listening to someone other than him. He asked Adam, “Where are you?” Adam’s reply was, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” The Lord God asked, “Who told you that you were naked?

Does that sound similar to you? You used to ….. But not anymore. Your behavior has changed. You give all sorts of excuses for your changed behavior but you know deep on the inside, the change was the result of something you heard. Your pastor told you…. Your spouse told you…. Society told you …. Circumstances told you…. That sickness told you …. Your thoughts told you …. Then you started to doubt and walked away from the truth: you walked into deception.

But today, the Spirit of the Living God has come to remind you of the truth and to set you free. You are not naked! You are not disqualified! You are not rejected! You are not insufficient or incompetent! You are God’s creation, made in His image and likeness – Genesis 1:26. You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus – 2 Corinthians 5:21. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength – Philippians 4:13.

Knowing the answer to the question, “Who are you?”, frees you to be greater and do greater. It steers you on the path to fulfill your purpose, your assignments here on earth. Do not allow anyone or any circumstance to cause you to lose your identity. Embrace who God says you are and reject all the lies of the enemy!

Prayer: Lord God, forgive me for giving my ear to the voices all around that sought to drown out your voice. I reject any counsel or knowledge that does not align with what you say. Please work in me to desire and act out truth concerning who you say I am and embrace it without fear, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!


Bible Study 1: Who told you that you were naked?
Bible Study 2: The Power of Knowledge

Still Time to Change

214th day, 30th week, 8th month of 2021

Hello friends! It has been a while since I have taken a break from our journey of self-discovery. I have embarked on yet another adventure in this journey called life and, I am learning so much more about our design by the Master Architect Himself.

I awoke and began thinking about where we are in time: 214th day, 30th week, 8th month of 2021. Then I allowed my thoughts to drift as I reflected on 214 days ago, December 31, 2020. I remembered the word of the Lord to me, “I will perfect that which concerns you…. (KJV, Psalms 138:8)” and I sighed, thinking of all the things that I was hoping to be changed this year, but still have not.

My mind returned to the present and my new growth adventure, pursuing a master’s degree, and all that I am learning from the course in which I am currently enrolled, Brain-Based Learning. Friends, the more I learn, the more I realize that the scientists are playing catch up. They are now finding out more of how God designed humans and, their discovery provides more evidence/proof to what the Bible teaches.

Friends, it is an amazing journey! As I study and work through this course, the Holy Spirit sits with me and teaches me. Just like Jesus used parables to communicate truths, the Holy Spirit is showing me how the scientists are uncovering truths about us, truths that the Lord God has embedded in the design of man(kind). He shows me how as the body houses the spirit of man, so the brain houses the mind (soul) of man and, by studying the brain, we receive insight into the workings of the mind.

Neuroscience, a branch of the life sciences that deals with the structure and function of the brain and nervous system, especially with their relation to learning and behavior, has introduced concepts that scripture teaches (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Concepts such as

  • neuroplasticity – renewing the mind (KJV, Romans 12:2)
  • mirror neurons – learning through imitation (AMP, 1 Corinthians 11:1)
  • readiness (behavior relevance) – desire drives growth (NIV, 1 Peter 2:2)
  • coherent construction – line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little (KJV, Isaiah 28:10)


As I reflect on all this, a light bulb goes off! The Lord God has designed and built our minds with the capacity for change, daily change. It is not that I cannot change; rather, I have not created an environment for change to occur. The Holy Spirit reminded me that as believers we have an added advantage; we have Him. Consequently, we do not have to do this alone. We have power to attend, to acquire knowledge to retain it and to recall it when needed (KJV, John 14:26; 16:13; Psalm 119:11).

Finally, I thought of you, my friends, and wondered if maybe you too are desiring change that have not yet materialized. I wonder, is there a habit, an attitude, or a mindset over which you need victory? Please hear me today; know that you were designed and built to transform into who God said you are. You are not fixed. Your character is not fixed. You don’t have to stay as you are. God has wired you to be able to change, to transform. We still have 151 days/22 weeks/4 months to partner with the Holy Spirit and work with the Lord God, work with His word and His design so that He can fulfill His word and perfect those things that concerns us.

O Holy Spirit, hear the cry of our hearts; we NEED change! Please direct us to the knowledge that we need to bring about the change in our lives. May this knowledge cause a rewiring and reshaping of our minds In Jesus’name, Amen!

Bible Study: The Process of Change


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Neuroscience. In dictionary. Retrieved August 2, 2021, from

The Holy Bible, Amplified Bible. (2015). Bible Gateway. (Original work published 1965)

The Holy Bible, Amplified Bible Classic Edition. (1987). Bible Gateway. (Original work published 1965)

The Holy Bible, King James Version. (n.d.). Bible Gateway. (Original work published 1611)

The Holy Bible, New International Version. (2011). Bible Gateway. (Original work published 1973)

Birthday Prayer

Today, I celebrate my 48th birthday.

Wow! I have been living on this earth for 48 years and am now coming into an understanding of who I am: who the Lord God has designed, created, and equipped me to be. I am not sure of how many more years I have left on earth but, I am sure that I want to live out the remaining years of my life life being true to God and serving Him. So this is my prayer for the rest of my days:

O Holy Spirit, please teach me to number my days that I might apply my heart to wisdom (Psalms 90:12). Give me a heart that is after Your own heart so that I can serve You AND serve my own generation by carrying out Your program fully and doing all Your will and purpose and counsel (Acts 13:22, 36)

O Holy Spirit, I beg of you to help me to look carefully to how I walk. Help me to live purposefully, worthily, and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as the wise, sensible and intelligent. Holy Spirit, empower me to make the most of my time, buying up each opportunity (Ephesians 5:15-16).

Grant me, Holy Spirit, the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Cause the eyes of my understanding to be continually enlightened – flooded with light – so I may understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 1:17-18; 5:17)

May I be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that I may live and conduct myself in a manner worthy of You, O Lord, fully pleasing to You in all things and being fruitful in every good work, increasing in the knowledge of You (Colossians 1:9-10).

May I stand perfect (firm and mature in spiritual growth) AND complete in all Your will (Colossians 4:12). May my life bring You glory and cause Your name to be published throughout this earth. Receive the offering of my life and do with it as you see fit, now and forever, AMEN!!

Prayer: About Intercession

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your words, for the Holy Scriptures. Thank You for inspiring men of old to write, even as I am being inspired to write today. Thank You for the testimonies of David, Daniel, and Isaiah. Thank You for sharing the story of Your people, the Israelites, with us Gentiles so we can see the light and come along.

O Holy Spirit, thank You for Your leading and guidance. Thank You for being the greatest Teacher ever! Thank You for meeting me where I was both mentally and emotionally this morning and for finding a way to engage me and teach/impart to me knowledge/truth.

Thank You for opening my understanding about INTERVENTION and the role of the heart in causing a transfer of things from the heavenlies to the earth realm (Daniel 10:12). Thank You for showing me the roles of all of the parties involved in causing that transfer to happen: You, Your messenger, agents of the adversary, and ME.

Thank You for reminding me that my job as an intercessor is to STAND IN THE GAP before You, God: to take a stand; to endure, tarry, remain, persist, continue and be steadfast; to hold my ground; AND to station myself. Thank You for emphasizing that this should be my position wherever there is a breach, a gap, an opening, or a broken wall due to the attack or besiegement of the adversary. Thank You for reinforcing to me the necessity for me, as an intercessor, to repel the enemy, even though my life may be exposed to imminent peril. Thanks for revealing that my job, as an intercessor, is to continue interceding until reinforcement comes or until the answer is revealed.

Holy Spirit, may I be like Daniel, one given to prayer; one given to seeking understanding through prayer. Daniel was among the four, who in ALL matters of wisdom and understanding, was 10 times better than all of his peers in all the realm of Babylon. Yet, he continually consulted You for understanding . Holy Spirit, may I also be like David, who always consulted You for direction: what is the next move?

Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for instruction in righteousness over these past few days of consecration. I look forward to receive so much more from You. I open my spirit to You. I open my heart and mind (soul) to You. Create in me a heart that is after Your heart. Create in me a spirit that pants after and yields to You. Create in me a mind that is renewed to be as the mind of Christ: humble and obedient.

I give myself to You to be Your student, Your disciple; to follow You and become who God has sanctified and ordained me to be, before He formed me in the belly and before I came out of the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

Prayer: Decision-Making

Hello Friends! We are nearing the end of November, my birth month. As promised, in celebration, I have been sharing daily posts instead of monthly posts. I pray that they have been a source of blessing and inspiration for you. For the final four days of the month, I will be sharing prayers selected from my prayer journals. May they bring results in your life as they have done in mine. Today’s prayer is one of supplication for sight as it pertains to decision-making.

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your word. Thank You for speaking to me even when I seem distracted. Help me to hear what Your spirit is saying to me and obey. Holy Spirit, please give me insight into Your words and how to apply them to my life.

Forgive me Father for every time that I have blamed You for problems and difficulties that I have brought upon myself. Forgive me for the times when I did not consult You first for directions, guidance, and instructions BEFORE I stepped out. Forgive me for the times when I found myself in difficulties and did not stop to inquire of You. Please help me to make Proverbs 3:5-6 the guiding principle by which I live: Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct thy paths.

Teach me Holy Spirit how to seek You and seek wisdom until I receive instructions from on high. Help me to learn how to wait, to wait patiently on the Lord. Lord God, please help me not to walk by my sight, but to walk by faith in Your words. Blind my eyes from the counterfeit of the enemy. I loose the hold of every Deception and Duplicity, every crafty scheme and cunning invention from my eyes and from the eyes of my understanding. I disarm these weapons and declare their potency to be neutralized in the name of Jesus. I declare that I walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

I will not cast away my confidence which hath great recompense of reward . I receive patience from the Holy Spirit now so that, after I have done the will of God, I might receive the promise. I declare and decree that yet a little while and He that shall come will come and will not tarry. I am just and I shall live by faith. There is no drawing back in me (Hebrews 10:35-38).

I will not make decisions based on what the enemy wants me to see, think, and believe. I guard my mind and will with the precious blood of Jesus from the infiltration of the enemy. The good land (my body, marriage, family, community, ministry, country) that the Lord has given me will not be plundered by the enemy. The good ground of my heart, my husband’s and children’s hearts will not be turned into stony ground. The wells/springs of our spirits will not be stopped up. No godly fruit-bearing tree in our lives will be cut down. We invoke the power of the blood of Jesus around us for our protection this day.

Holy Spirit, cause us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High so that we can abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91:1). Cause us to seek after dwelling in the house of the Lord all the days of our lives, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple (Psalms 27:4). Cause our desires to be continually FOR God.

Holy Spirit, please help me every day to be consistent and steadfast about seeking You and pressing into Your presence that You may guide me in my decisions. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

Sent from God

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. – John 1:6 – 7 (KJV)

More and more, I am learning that my time here on earth is about my assignment – the mission – what I was sent to do. Like John, I am a “man” sent from God, one who has come for a witness, to bear witness of that Light. I am an ambassador provided with various platforms to speak boldly as I ought to speak (Ephesians 6:20). My marriage is a platform. My family is a platform. My career/occupation is a platform. My ministry is a platform.

Father God, I pray that utterance would be given to me, that I might open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the gospel (good news); that I might speak boldly and courageously as I ought to; that through these various platforms I would honor You and cause You to be glorified. Father, please imprint this truth – that I am sent from God – upon my heart and my mind.

Holy Spirit, as I wake and rise help be to be reminded of the fact and declare that “Today, I am here to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work. Today I must shine in my world , so that they can behold Your glory.

That is what God has been teaching me, through His Holy Spirit, during my time of sojourn in the USA. He has taught me that life is not about a ministerial title. It is not about holding a microphone. It is not even about being a part of a particular church. Rather my being here is about fulfilling my assignment – mission. Every breath that I take, every day I am granted on this land of the living, is about my assignment.

Holy Spirit, please energize me. Grant me power to be a witness. Grant me power to fulfill my assignment. And Lord, Grant me focus, steadfastness, and determination to stay the course, Knowing that I am not mine own, but I have been sent from God.

Strategies for Success

For the past two mornings, I literally dragged myself out of bed to go meet the Lord at our place of prayer, at our time of prayer. During yesterday’s time of prayer, it seems like I did not have my usual connection with the Lord, but I determined to stay there and give Him the time I had set aside for Him. This morning’s prayer, however, was different. As I knelt, I began to talk to God about a few dreams that I recalled having during the night. Almost immediately He answered back. As I knelt in silence, these are the words I heard. I later called them my “Strategies for Success“.

    You are what you eat. If your daily diet – that which you consume – is made up of mostly carnal, worldly things (songs, movies, literature, social media etc.), you will become carnal and worldly. Your sensitivity will be more honed to things of the flesh than things of the spirit. Monitor your diet. Be sure to be adequately feeding your spirit man daily.
    Just as God gave the servants in Matthew 25:15 (AMPC) talents to each in proportion to his own personal ability, He has given to each of us time in proportion to our own personal ability [to handle it]. He expects the same of us as He did of them:
    – Use the ability that I have and be a good steward of the time that was given.
    – Invest my time in things that will give a good return or profit to the kingdom.
    Remember, I will have to give an account, even of the use of “my” time.
    – I should not just let life happen and whatever happens I flow with it. I should, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, be dictating to my life what will happen.
    – I should not live my life in a reactive state rather in a proactive state.
    – Ascribe tasks to my time. Every minute of my day should be accounted for. No time should be left for the enemy to shape or inject his will/agenda.
    Routines have their place and rewards. They are needed as foundations on which we build.
    Routines help us manage our time, thus managing stress and reduce time stealers in our life. They ensure that attention is given to important tasks, forcing us into a habit of giving our time to the things that are priority. Routines help us to optimize our daily lives.

    Meeting the Lord at our place of prayer and at our time of prayer should become a routine in our lives. It should be the first step in the procedure of how we start our day. If we can develop the habit of meeting the Lord at our place of prayer and at our time of prayer, then the struggle of finding/making time to pray will cease. We will then open room to “hear” and receive frequent impartations from the Lord. PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT!

I encourage you, dear Friends, to give thought to the strategies by which you live your life. Remember, a strategy is a plan of action to achieve a goal. What are your goals? Do you have strategies for their success?

Dear Father, please teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12


I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands. Psalms 143:5 (KJV)

I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search. – Psalms 77:6 (KJV)

My dear sisters, here is another strategy for victory that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me. It is another weapon that the Father has given us to ensure our success in the battles we will encounter throughout this journey called life. This strategy provides us a source from which we can discover more of who we are and gain resources to fulfill our various assignments here on earth. It is the strategy of Reflection and Meditation.

Reflection = serious thought or consideration; a thought or writing about something, particularly in the past, or what one sees when looking into a mirror or body of water.

Meeting the Lord at my place of prayer and just thinking, seriously and carefully considering something in His Presence is an act of prayer.
NOT asking or telling, but thinking.
NOT fretting (being worried or anxious), but thinking.
NOT complaining (expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something), but thinking.

Thinking = reasoning with God; making rational judgments; getting understanding; discerning; seeing God’s mind concerning a thing.

This is what I sometimes experience in my early morning times of communion with the Lord. As I reflect on activities, situations, and circumstances, He gives me discernment and understanding, causing me to make rational judgments about what my subsequent responses or actions should be.

This is not contrary to Scripture. In fact, David practiced this form of prayer. He gives us a glimpse of this in both Psalms 143:5 and Psalms 77:6. He tells us that [he] remembered the old days, went over all [the Lord has] done, pondered the ways [the Lord has] worked (Psalms 143:5 MSG). He shares in Psalms 77:6 (NET), I said, “During the night I will remember the song I once sang; I will think very carefully.” I tried to make sense of what was happening.

Meditation = to focus one’s thoughts (on one thing) for a period of time; dedicating a certain amount of time to be mindful about something.

When we talk about reflection, we should think about a mirror. Reflection is about my thoughts – letting them go and having them bounce back to me, giving me insight to my strengths and weaknesses. When I spend time in prayer reflecting, the Holy Spirit/the word, my mirror, reveals what I need to work on or change (what needs refinement in my life) AND what I need to reinforce or guard so as to preserve.

Meditation, on the other hand, allows me to see circumstances (others included) from God’s perspective, therefore informing my plans and decisions. Joshua 1:8 (MSG) says, “Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.

Dear friends, in your times of communion with the Father, allow for moments of reflection and meditation. I guarantee you that many of the answers that you have been looking for will be found in this position of prayer.

Now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. – AMEN!