To Fight or Not to Fight?

That is the question.

Whenever I hear or read this sentence, what comes to mind is either a situation where I am contemplating how to react, or one in which I am feeling attacked. But as I meditate upon this question, another scenario comes to mind: one which requires me to make a decision about going after something.

In Deuteronomy 1: 19-33, we are told of a similar situation that the children of Israel faced where the Lord God told them it was time for them to move from where they were and go in and possess the land that He had promised them. However, possessing the Promised Land required warfare/fighting, and the children of Israel were afraid. They saw the inhabitants of the land and the walled cities and, they decided not to fight. They decided to believe their fears rather than God’s promises.

We are not much better than they were! We too allow ourselves to be led by our emotions rather than by the Spirit of God. When we allow ourselves to be emotion-led, we either succumb to paralysis when we should rise and fight (like the children of Israel in Deuteronomy 1) or go into overdrive and wage a carnal warfare (like Rachel in Genesis 30).

I know of times, when based on God’s words of instructions to me, I am NOT TO FIGHT. He expects me to stand still and see His salvation. However, in these times I find that, my emotions will often prompt me to do something, to help out God and so, instead of being still, I fight. There have been other times when He instructed me TO FIGHT and again, I heed my emotions and choose not to fight, or I fight carnally, according to my flesh. In both cases, I always end up losing miserably.

I have learned that I have to have a keen ear to hear the voice of God so that I can be led by his Spirit. Romans 8:14 states that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons [children] of God”. It goes on to say in verse 26, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought…”  When I don’t know how I ought to approach this challenge, when I don’t know what my tactical disposition should be, the Spirit informs my warfare and strengthens me to stand in whatever position is required for the battle: To Fight or Not To Fight!

Heavenly Father, Please assist me in this race of life. I want to fight a good fight all my days and obtain that crown of righteousness that is laid up for me. Please help me not to be led by emotions. Please help me to allow your Holy Spirit to be my commanding General and to heed his commands. I overthrow the high seat of emotions in my life and crown you as Lord of my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. Blog Post  Do you have a strategy for your wafare?
  2. Bible StudyWatch Your Warfare!