The Woman & The Serpent (1)

DAY 1 Genesis 3:1-4
1. Changing one’s focus is an ancient weapon that our adversary successfully uses against Watchers.
2. His objective is to redirect the positioning of our eyes (our focus), so that our perspective will change. His ultimate goal is to change our behavior, and thus who we are.
3. He used that weapon against the first Woman. Then He used the weapon against the Seed of the woman, Jesus. In the former case, that weapon prospered. In the latter, it did not.
What was the difference? Jesus maintained his focus; the Woman did not.

Genesis 3 opens with a conversation between the Woman and a subtle beast, the serpent.
Genesis 3:1aNow the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
(1) What word is used to describe the serpent?
Subtlemaking use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.

The use of the word, subtle, foreshadows that what follows has to do with one’s intellect, the faculty of reasoning and understanding. The attack was going to be against the Woman’s Interpretation Center, her mind.
This descriptor of the serpent refers to the capability of his intellect. It speaks of his intelligence. His subtlety made him able to present Eve with an illusion – causing her to see with her mind’s eye something that was other than it really appeared.

Genesis 3:1b And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Indirect methods)
(2) What indirect method did the serpent use to shift the Woman’s focus?
an illusion through words – With words, he painted a similar picture to what she was accustomed to in attempt to lead her to an end. He said to the woman = he painted a picture that would superimpose itself over the picture that God had previously painted with His words.

(3) Words have the power to change one’s focus.
•Here the serpent’s goal is to re-direct the Woman’s focus from what God said about the tree, what it can do.
•The serpent’s words created mental images in the Woman’s mind. Her focus shifted from God’s character and God’s commands to the mystery of the tree.
•Once her focus shifted her perspective shifted.

(4) How are perspectives formed?
– Where my sight is focused will determine the information I receive.
– My understanding and interpretation of this information forms my perception.
– My interpretation then determines my attitude, point of view or way of thinking about the circumstance or situation. This becomes my perspective.

The problem with this is that my understanding or interpretation is influenced by my reality or my frame of reference (previous experiences, values, beliefs, fears, needs, desires, agenda, personality, etc.). So different individuals can understand or interpret the same information in different ways, therefore having different perspectives.

As a Watcher, I cannot do spiritual warfare from the standpoint of my perspective or of another person’s perspective. I must know and embrace God’s perspective. Staying focused on my assignment will ensure that I wage a good warfare.

(5) How then can I maintain focus?
a) Know the word of God (both the logos [written word] and the rhema [revealed word]) as it pertains to your relationships, spheres of influence/operations, and circumstances.
b) Filter the information that is brought to you and your perceptions through the word of God. See Romans 12:1-2 and Matthew 4: 1-11.

Think of a relationship, sphere of influence (home, church, job, community etc.) or circumstance. What does God’s word say about it? Can you identify any attempts of the adversary to change your focus from what God said?

1. The Blog Post – It Might Just Be an Illusion!
2. Prayer Room – Lord, Please Guard My Focus! (1)