Strategy for Warfare: DETERMINATION

I was awakened by a memory of my mother’s return to Antigua in 2020, after she had spent about 2 months with us here in South Carolina. I remembered the spectacle we created at Charleston International Airport while she was checking in her luggage for the flight home.

There she was on the floor of the American Airlines terminal with bags opened, stuffing things in her checked and carry-on luggage. I recall standing there, totally embarrassed, observing her determination. I thought to myself, at that time, “Those things aren’t going to fit. Why doesn’t she give up? She is going to have to leave some of those things behind.” I not only thought this but said so to her. Thad, who is usually more positive than I, came along and told her the same thing. But she kept on working because she was DETERMINED!

She packed and unpacked. She assessed the weight she was carrying in light of the airline’s weight allowance. Then she made a determination of the FEW items that she could afford to leave behind, with the expectation that I would bring them for her, when I visited a few months later. Then she found a way for the others, that she could not afford to leave behind, to fit in her luggage. She rearranged some. She removed some from their packaging. She stuffed some here and there, all so she would lose NONE. Her sandwich was going to be crushed and battered but that did not stop her.

As I revisited this memory, I found myself inwardly smiling at the images. I also found myself encouraged. Here was one of her character traits that would serve as a strength for her and for us, as we endeavor to fulfill our assignment on earth – DETERMINATION.

What is determination? According to the Oxford Dictionary, determination is defined as firmness of purpose or resoluteness. Resoluteness speaks of a firm decision to do or not do something. Determination also speaks of steadfastnessbeing firm and unwavering; persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Finally, determination involves persistencefirm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

This idea or concept of determination, then, is founded on first a decision. Once that decision is made (I am taking ALL these things home in 2 checked bags and 2 carry-on bags), then doing everything in one’s power, despite the difficulties, challenges, and obstacles to attain that goal. Assess the current weight/load; decide on what FEW can be left behind; rearrange; remove; press/stuff!

As I meditated on this idea of determination, I came to the conclusion that I have lost many battles because of a lack of determination. I have been displaying a lack of determination in regards to God’s promises to me, His prophetic words over my life. When faced with roadblocks, I detour and lose my confidence, eventually resulting in a lost or stuck place. I lack determination to stay the course until I achieve success.

Unlike Mummy, I do not make the necessary calculations of what I can leave behind or sacrifice so that I can attain the goal. I give up and live my life lacking the very things God has given me for my success. I allow myself to be DETERRED. (Deter – discourage someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.) I begin to question the promises of God in light of my “containers”. I lack faith that whatever I lose will be brought (returned or restored) to me at a later date. I become discouraged, lacking determination in the face of uncertainty and fear.

My meditation on these thoughts brought me to a place of prayer. I confessed – O Holy Spirit, I see my wrong. I see where I have allowed my emotions to restrain me from acting on what you have said. I have allowed them to make me less enthusiastic about what You have said and restrain me from proceeding forward. Please forgive me and grant me the grace to be determined.

Sisters, here is yet another strategy for warfare: the strategy of DETERMINATION. Scripture presents us with an example of a WATCHER referred to as The Shunammite, who employed this strategy and won. We find her testimony in 2 Kings 4: 8-37. She was determined that she would lose NONE of what God had given to her. Nothing she saw, heard, or felt was going to instill doubt or fear as a means of deterring her from her goal. Whatever appeared to be lost at that moment, she believed would be restored to her at a later time. She not only displayed this quality in chapter 4 concerning the reviving of her son but, years later, her determination kept her as she held on to the word of the Lord from the man of God. When it seemed like all that she had was lost (for 7 years), her determination resulted in FULL restoration – 2 Kings 8:1-6.


Quotes For Determination - Retro Future