I am `ezer!

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet [`ezer] for him. Genesis 2:18 (KJV)

We are at war and I sometimes forget it.
Intercession is my birthright but I didn’t know it.
I am uniquely designed, built, and equipped to bring aid to mankind.

If my home (body),

If my home (family),

If my home (community),

If my home (city),

If my home (nation),

If my home (Earth), is going to see victory, then I must understand that which I have been given and that to which I have been appointed, and become skillful in it.

I AM `ezer!
I am an agent of change, on assignment from heaven, to bring change to my world!
I am equipped with abilities and gifts to be successful in my assignment.
I go forth with an understanding of the will of God.

I will arise, take my mantle, and walk out my destiny here on Earth. I lift my head knowing that I was born for this.

Who am I?
I AM `ezer!

1. The Bible Study Teaching – I am Adam. I am Female. I am `ezer.
2. The Devotional Watchers
3. Prayer Room – Strategy for Warfare