For My Grandparents: Lovers of God

Twenty-nine years ago, on this date, I became a mother. I gave birth to a beautiful 8 pound 10 ounce – baby girl whose arrival forever changed the course of our family’s life. I was a teenager, unmarried and backslidden. My family was still grieving the loss of my eldest brother, who went missing two years prior. The entrance of this bright-eyed baby, although bittersweet, filled a gap in my parent’s heart and caused me, like the prodigal son of Luke 15, to return home to my Heavenly Father.

This little girl, who calls herself “my firstborn who opened the matrix of my womb” , has grown into a talented and beautiful young lady who I am proud of in so many ways. In honor of her birthday, I wish to feature one of her writing samples: a tribute that she wrote for her grandparents at their Appreciation Service 2017. May you be blessed and encouraged to know that as you grow through the various stages of life you have a Promise from your Heavenly Father that He will carry you and sustain you.

For My Grandparents: Lovers of God!

Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)

I hear things change when you get older: your eyes won’t focus, your ears won’t hear, and time keeps speeding up and running faster than your aching legs can handle. Your heart must be tired for keeping a steady beat this long.

But I hear your soul stays the same; I know it’s true because yours have been consistent and stable my whole life. At the core of you, the real definition of the both of you, your souls are lovers of God, friends of God. You’ve yearned for Him all these years, and will yearn for Him until you’re reunited. That won’t change. Of this I am certain.

You’ve loved God with your whole body, and now it’s showing; the wear and tear of your hard work. You love God with your heart, and that is evident in all the sacrifices you’ve made, all the lives you’ve changed, all the ways you’ve both become the people you are today.

You love Him with your soul, that part of you that will reunite with Him when He comes back for you. You’ve held on this long, body, heart and soul and my encouragement is to hold on longer.

No matter how your body changes and stops working the way you’ve known, He will carry you.
When your heartaches from the pain in this world, He will rescue you.
And when your soul cries for Him to come back for this world, to come back for you, He will sustain you.
Love, Sephie