A Prayer for the Journey

For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, 10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,’Isaiah 46: 9-10

This morning I awoke thanking God for being the Author and Finisher of my faith, the God who knows the End from the Beginning. He is the God who have already walked through my life, has returned from the End, met me at the Beginning and is willing to walk with me at my pace to the Expected End.

He walks a little in front of me at times to lead and guide me into all truth. At other times, He carries me when I am unable to walk on my own. This is why I should be able to trust Him because He knows where He is going. He knows the pitfalls, obstacles, and the quick sands ahead. He knows. He knows. If I can just trust Him, I will never stumble or fall.

The difficulty that God has with us is that we don’t truly believe that He knows. We do not truly believe that He knows the End from the Beginning. If we did, we would trust Him unconditionally. Yet, in spite of our doubts and unbelief, He still chooses to walk with us, to be our partner on the journey. When we go astray, He finds us and re-routes us to the path that will lead to our Expected End. Thank You Lord for such mercy and forbearance.

Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the numerous times that I have doubted You and as a result developed clouded vision as to where You were leading me. Forgive me for constantly straying, listening to the voice of another. Forgive me for not truly believing and, as such, hindering myself from trusting You as I should.

I cast off doubts and unbelief. I cast off carnality and living/walking by sight and not by faith. Please sensitize my spirit to the leading and the voice of Your Holy Spirit. Teach me Your ways and lead me in Your paths. Lord, revolutionize my life to reflect total surrender, faith, and trust in You. I give myself to You, all of me, for more of You.

Lord move on my heart like you have never moved before. Change my focus and my perspective. Change my expectations and my resulting speech. Let Your perfect will be done in and through me, for Christ’s sake, AMEN!

Time for a Check-up!

I can’t believe it! The end of the first quarter of the school year here in Berkeley County, South Carolina is fast approaching. I am in the process of entering grades in my gradebook, because report cards will soon be due. The grades represent what the students were able to achieve or learn this quarter and give some indication to areas where they may need extra help or support.

While I am in this mode of thought, I can’t help but think about my spiritual report card, particularly my report in regards to my prayer life, and consequently my warfare. As I meditate on this, two passages of scriptures come to mind.

The first was recorded by the writer of Hebrews where he makes mention of a “report” as well. He states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report….  And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, ….” (Hebrews 11: 1-2, 39)

The second was written by Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church. It was not specifically speaking about a “report” but was encouraging the believers to do some self-examination or self-assessment. This is what he said, according to 2 Corinthians 13:5-6 in the Message translation: “Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it.”

The latter passage was referring to assessing oneself to determine whether or not they are in the faith. Tonight, I am taking heed to this advice and applying it to my prayer life. I am encouraged to take some time out for personal assessment, that is, self-reflection, and self-evaluation. The objective is to determine my areas of strengths and weaknesses, so that I can wage a good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18).

Would you join me as I pull out my ezerWatchers Checklist as my measuring tool and invite the Holy Spirit to be my Evaluator who will reveal and lead me into truth? Consider these indicators/descriptors with me.

Which number best describes your skill level for each statement?
1-Never  2-Rarely  3–Seldom  4-Often 5-Always

  1. I pray according to the will of God.
    – I research God’s word as it pertains to the situation. ________
    – I gather information about the issue/situation before praying.  _________
    – I accept the truth about the information gathered. ________
    – I seek God’s will regarding the situation. ________
  2. I am aware of when I may be contrary or opposed to the will of God.
    – I am honest about my feelings regarding the issue/situation.  ________
    – I war against my contrary will. _______
    – There are times when I war against my intellect. _______
    – I am aware of the distractions in my internal and external environment.  _________
    – I research God’s word as it pertains to distractions in my internal and external environment. ________
  3. I engage in prayer in different dimensions.
    – I pray prayers of confession as it pertains to my perceptions. ________
    – I pray prayers of submission as it pertains to my emotions. ________
    – I use different forms/types of prayer. _______
    – I have a strategy for overcoming these distractions in my internal and external environment. ________
  4. My prayers are led by the Holy Spirit.
    – My spiritual sight is corrected through the lens of my prayer. _________
    – My prayers are guided by my spiritual sight and not my perceptions. ________
    – My prayers are guided by my spiritual sight and not my emotions. ________
    – My prayers are led by the Holy Spirit, proactive – not just reactive. _______
    – I use a weapon in which I am skilled during prayer. ________
  5. Although I pray any and everywhere and at any time, I have routines associated with my communication with God.
    – I have a set place in my home where I meet with God. ________
    – I know the primary channel of communication through which God communes with me. _________
    – I have set times in my daily schedule when I meet with God. _______

So what did your results reveal?
In which of the 5 categories did you see more strengths? In which did you see more weaknesses?
Revisit 2 Corinthians 13: 5-6 (MSG) – “Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, …. If you fail the test, do something about it.”

I borrow this excerpt from The Art of War by Sun-Tzu: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Knowing the enemy enables you to take the offensive, knowing yourself enables you to stand on the defensive.

Getting regular check-ups through self-reflection and self-evaluation positions us for victory in the war.

DIG DEEPER –  For more information on:

1. Praying according to the will of God, check out
Lord, Please Guard My Focus (1);
Strategy for Warfare (2)

2. Being aware of when I may be contrary or opposed to the will of God, check out
Lord, Please Guard My Focus (2);
It Might Just Be an Illusion;
The Woman & The Serpent (2);
Change of Focus = Change of Perspective

3. Engaging in prayer in different dimensions, check out
Warfare Against Fear;
Warfare for My Children;
Warfare: Obedience Conquers Fear;
Be Rid of The “Thorns”

4. Being Led by the Spirit in Prayer, check out –
A Cry for Discernment;

5. Routines associated with my communication with God, check out –
Tactical Position: Listen Up!