Don’t Run!

This morning, while taking out the trash, I was seemingly attacked by my neighbor’s dog. I said seemingly because the dog came charging towards me, stopped less than 2 feet away from me, all while barking ferociously. My heart leapt within my chest, but, somehow, I had the good sense not to run.

The neighbor and his son ran towards us, calling the dog by its name. This seemed to infuriate the dog even further. The more they called his name, the more he barked, edging closer and closer to me, circling me. I screamed! I was so afraid but kept hearing, “Don’t run!”.

Eventually, the neighbors grabbed the dog by his leash, apologized profusely, and returned to their home. The mother of the family shouted over to me, “Sorry Mrs. Wharton! His bark is worse than his bite. In fact, he wouldn’t have even bitten you.”

Later that morning, the son and daughter came to me, apologizing yet again. They commended me for my bravery in not running. They shared that the dog had gotten away a few times before and did the same thing. Unfortunately, most of the others who were “attacked” started running out of fear and this made the dog chase them and try to bite them. They said, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!”

After they left, I thought about this seeming “attack”. I thought of the fear I felt but also of having the presence of mind not to run. Then I thought of attacks that we face daily: sickness, disappointment, financial difficulties, loss of relationships, and the list can go on.

I thought of the many times that our Adversary charges from out of no where, suddenly and unexpectedly.

I thought of how he circles us, coming close enough to incite fear in us, but never really touching us; posing “as a roaring lion”.

I thought of how the Holy Spirit’s Presence penetrates that canopy of fear that envelops us, continuously reminding us, “Don’t Run!”

I thought, if we would just heed the voice of the Spirit and not give over control to our feelings, we would remain safe and victorious, even in the presence of a seeming “attack”.

I thought of the many times that I have relinquished my position of victory by NOT denying my flesh (emotions/feelings) its desire to be in control of my actions and reactions.

I thought of my neighbors’ words, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!” Then I thought, my running gives the devil permission to chase me down and truly attack me. If I don’t run, he is not given what he needs to pounce on me.

I thought, “Alex, no matter how afraid you are, you have to obey the voice of the Lord, Don’t Run!

Is there a situation that has suddenly and unexpectedly charged into your life? Has it brought you to a place of fear, and even terror? Are you tempted to run away instead of standing your ground?

James 4:7 states, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” You should not be the one that is running away from the situation as if you are in danger. The devil should!

Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit today, “Don’t Run! Help is on the way” Submit to His instruction and encouragement, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you but IS with you even in this seeming”attack”.

Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to pay attention to the Presence of Your Holy Spirit, more than I do the presence of the emotions that I am experiencing right now. May Your Holy Spirit make me brave and embolden me to stand my ground, in spite of the fear, until this “attack” flees. Help me not to run! In Jesus’ name – AMEN

But I am Afraid!

“Can’t someone else to do it?”

“Why does it have to be you? She is more experienced. She has so many more resources available to her.”

“Don’t you see you don’t measure up? Everything is pointing to your failure and defeat.”

These are the lies and predictions of the enemy that the adversary assigns the spirit of fear to continually whisper in our ears. He is assigned to torment us so that we wouldn’t stand and fight, but rather freeze or take flight.

So many battles have been won by the adversary, by his deploying the spirit of fear against us. He wins by default: we did not show up for the fight because we were too afraid.

But I have learned that fear is not an excuse. The presence of fear does not release me from the assignment that God has given me. In the presence of fear, I can still obey God and experience success and victory. I learned this from Gideon. He was called a mighty man of valor, because he exhibited great courage – the ability to do something that frightened him – in the face of fear.

So what if you are afraid? Don’t allow fear to paralyze you into inactivity or disobedience. Remember what the psalmist said in Psalms 56:3? “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Let fear motivate you to run to God, your hiding place.

1. The Bible Study Teaching – Mighty Man of Valor!
2. The Devotional – Prediction: Imminent Defeat!
3. Prayer Room – Warfare: Against Fear & Warfare: Obedience conquers Fear