In my previous blog posts, I have been emphasizing the need for strategy as we engage in warfare in the kingdom. When I referred to strategy, I defined it as a plan of action to achieve an overall goal. So, for example, if our goal is the salvation of our spouse or children, our strategy will describe the plan of action that we are putting in place to achieve this. We would ask questions like: What approach will I take? Or What is the general direction I intend to take to achieve this goal?

However, it is not enough to have a strategy or overall plan for our warfare. After we have identified our strategy for warfare, we must then pinpoint the tactics needed to carry out that plan. Tactics are those specific actions that we employ to implement the strategy or plan.

It is important to note that this word, actions, may be misleading in that it implies (1) the process of doing something or (2) an active response or resistance. Scripture reveals a tactical position of seeming inaction or passivity (without active response or resistance). I call it the Tactical Disposition of Being Still.

As women, we often find it hard to “Be Still”. We wear so many hats that, without thinking, we often find our hands dipping in many things simultaneously. Consequently, there are times when our victory lies not in actively doing something or “waging warfare”. There are times when the tactical position for victory is just “being still”.

But what does it mean to be still? Psalms 46:10 as stated in the Amplified Bible says, “Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God”. Being still is leaving off or abandoning our own attempts and allowing God to be God in a situation; trusting that, without our help, He will be exalted in the situation. He will win and so will we.

Being Still is about ceasing from our labors, refraining from making inputs, relaxing our hold, and letting go so that God can show His might and His deliverance in the battle. When we are directed by the Holy Spirit to employ this tactic, we are afforded an opportunity to see God as the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

I must confess that, for me, this has been one of the most difficult tactical dispositions in my warfare: being still. But thanks be to God, through His precious Holy Spirit, I am learning that quietness and confidence can be my strength (Isaiah 30:15). I am learning that as a wife and mother, I have been given a grace of influence that works best in an environment of stillness. I can choose to build my home with this grace, resting confidently in the Lord, or tear down what I am seeking to build by charging loudly and aggressively ahead.

I invite you to come with me as we discover The Power of Quiet Influence (Devotional) and how to be A Wise Builder (Bible Study).