
OBJECTIVE: To identify resources available to us to fight the feelings of being overwhelmed; drowning or being buried under the weight of all that we are faced with.

Day 1: Matthew 11:28-30

  1. To whom is the invitation for rest given in this passage? (verse 28)
  2. What is the difference between one who labors and one who is heavy laden? (verse 28)
  3. Are you laboring or are you loaded with a lot of burdens? Are you experiencing both conditions?
  4. What is the prescription for finding rest? (verse 29)

Ye that labor = G2872 – kopiao (verb) –
-To feel fatigue; by implication, to work hard: (bestow) abor, toil, be wearied.
-To grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief;
-To labor with wearisome effort

Are heavy laden = G5412 – phortizo (verb) –
-From G5414 – phortos – which means something carried i.e. the cargo of a ship; 
-To load up (properly, as a vessel or animal), i.e. (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety):—lade, by heavy laden.
-To place a burden upon , to load one with a burden

Day 2: Philippians 4: 6-7

  1. What are the 2 basic commands given in this passage?
  2. What is the prescription then or antidote for anxiety or worry?
  3. What is the result of telling God what you want or desire?
  4. What is the role of Peace according to this passage?
  5. Why do you think your heart and mind need to be guarded?

Be anxious = G3309 – merimnao (verb)
–Comes from the noun, merimna, which implies the idea of distraction, being drawn in different directions;
-To take thought, to be full of or troubled with cares.

Shall guard = G5432 – phroureo (verb)
to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a sentinel (post spies at gates).
-figuratively, to hem in, protect:—keep (with a garrison).

Day 3: Psalms 32:8

  1. What are the 3 things listed in this verse that the Lord promises that He will do for us?
  2. How do each of these 3 resources supply aid to your assignment?
  3. Read Psalms 32:9.What should your response be to the Lord in light of what He offers in verse 8?

I will instruct = H7919 – sakal (verb)
– to be (causatively, make or act) circumspect and hence, intelligent;
-To cause to consider, to give insight;
-To cause to prosper and have good success.

And teach = H3384 – yarah (verb)
figuratively, to point out (as if by aiming the finger), to teach:
-To direct, inform, instruct.

In the way = H1870– derek (masculine noun)
a road (as trodden);
-figuratively, a course of life or mode of action.

I will guide = H3289 – ya ‘ats (verb)
to advise; reflexively, (give, take) counsel(-lor);
-To deliberate, devise, plan

*** Key Terms definitions are taken from Strong’s Concordance and Thayer’s Greek Lexicon.

1. The Blog Post – It’s All So Overwhelming!
2. The Devotional – You Don’t Have To Do This Alone!
3. Prayer Room – My Help!