It’s All About the Seed!

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end, and also between.

Compare Genesis 3: 14 – 15 with Revelation 12: 1-6

  1. When we examine the first book of the Bible, and we take time to glean through the creation story, we see certain patterns at play. One in particular is that of complementary opposites.
  2. Vs. 1 heaven – earth
  3. Vs. 4 light – darkness
  4. Vs. 5 day – night
  5. Vs. 5 evening – morning
  6. Vs. 10 Earth – Seas
  • Another pattern that surfaces is one in which everything that has life (is alive or living) is commanded to (1) be fruitful, multiply and fill up the place of its habitation (seas or earth); and (2) multiply after its kind.
  • The MANDATE for all living creatures is to reproduce, after its kind. However, MAN was given an additional command: SUBDUE the eaarth and HAVE DOMINION over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
  • Those two words, SUBDUE and DOMINION, imply war (adversaries, opposition, conflict) and conquering (rulership, reign).
  • God’s design for reproduction relies heavily upon SEED. He created male and female as bearers and incubators of SEED; together , preservers of the seed and instruments of reproduction (Genesis 7:3).
  • It was He, God, who introduced seedtime and harvest among the living things on earth. (Genesis 8:2)

When the serpent deceived Eve, God revealed that already there were two types of seed on the Earth that were hostile towards each other (Genesis 3:15): the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. That hostility has been raging throughout the various eras of time.

There has been a concerted effort for the seed of the devil to subdue and have dominion here on earth (Matthew 13:38).

Doctrines of devils and demons have been changing the culture of our society to undermine God’s will concerning seed.
-Fornication (forbidding to marry) – 1 Timothy 4: 1-3
-Adultery – Malachi 2:15
-Homosexuality; family-parenting principles/values – Romans 1: 21-32

What then should be your response to preserving godly seed?

1. The Blog Post –
2. The Devotional – Wanted: Godly Seed!
3. Prayer Room – Warfare: For My Children