I am Woman

DAY 6: OBJECTIVE: To explore the separation of the male from the female and their subsequent purpose.

Read Genesis 2: 15-23Woman was introduced as the solution to a problem; the answer to a need.

Let us explore this thought in Scripture. According to the Biblical account of the origins of Mankind, we are told that Adam (Mankind) was originally created in God’s image; they were originally created as male and female. Mankind was called Adam and, though seeming singular (of or relating to one person or thing), was plural (relating to, consisting of or containing more than one). Mankind was referred to as “them”.

With the introduction of Woman came the introduction of the dividing of Mankind, into male and female, two separate parts of a whole. After Genesis 2:23, Adam (Mankind) is now separated into male Adam and female Adam, the man and the Woman respectively. Genesis 2:18 provides the reason for the separation; “it is not good for Adam (mankind) to be alone – “all one”.

The problem to solve was Man’s aloneness; his “all oneness”.
Adam was given a similar command like all the other living creatures – be fruitful and multiply. If Adam was going to be able to carry out the command given to be fruitful, multiply and fill up the earth, then Adam needed to have two distinct forms just as the other living creatures had. It was not good for Adam to be alone. It was not beneficial to man’s assignment for Adam to remain, continue, exist as all one.

So God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and, as Adam slept, God took a portion of bone from Adam and built the Woman from it. Adam awakes from sleep and is no longer plural but singular. He recognizes that what he is now seeing as separate and apart from him was once contained in him. He declares,
“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman
(‘ishshah) ,
Because she was taken out of Man.”

‘ishshah is translated as woman and wife interchangeably, except in the case of Genesis 7:2, where it is translated as female – the female for that male.

God then declares, “Therefore a man (male Adam) shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife (female Adam), and they shall become one flesh (again).” (Italicized words are my paraphrasing for emphasis.) Jesus also refers to this re-joining when he emphatically states in Matthew 19: 4-6.

The introduction of Woman solved the problem of Man’s aloneness; his “all oneness”. The introduction of Woman was an answer to a need. My purpose, and therefore, who I am is linked to that problem, that need.