Not in Your Own Strength

I awoke with these words ringing in my ears: In your own strength, you can do nothing.

I had been going through a season where I was struggling in the areas that were known to be my “strengths”: discipline, evidenced by time management, organizational skills, commitment, and diligence. I prayed. I cried. I grieved for the absence of these “strengths” in my life. I sought God to find out if this was some sort of attack or if I had opened a door for the adversary to come in and plunder my goods. I could not seem to find an answer to the cause nor was I able to turn things around.

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and began to change some things in the routine of my natural life hoping that this would help facilitate the change that I so desperately desired. I made several attempts to be steadfast to those changes but, in a matter of days, I was right back at the same place of weakness. Finally, one day, I found myself at a terribly low place and it was in that moment that I realized how foolish I was. I have known that the things that we see in the natural do not appear from the natural realm. The natural realm manifests what is occurring in the spiritual realm. Therefore, the changes that I was seeing must be indicative of a change concerning me in the spiritual realm.

As I shifted my mindset from “What can I do to fix this?” to “Something must have changed in the spiritual realm”, the Holy Spirit was finally able to reach me with His words, “In your own strength, you can do nothing.” I thought on that statement and was reminded of:

  • John 15:5, 5c (NKJV) – “ … As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. …for without Me you can do nothing.”
  • Philippians 2:13 (AMPC) – “[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work….”

Often times, because we have been given a measure of strength and that strength has gotten us some results, we tend to lean mostly on that strength forgetting that although we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. Once we are born again, we have entered a war that causes our lives’ journey to be now primarily spiritual and thus must be lived not by our own strength, but by God’s strength. This is why Paul said to the church at Ephesus, “… be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV). He also testified to the church at Philippi, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV). And to the church at Corinth he shared that God told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV).

The more we mature and the higher we rise in God, the more we should be depending on His strength. I had been growing and rising in God. He, through His Holy Spirit, had taught me discipline. Without realizing it, I had gradually moved away from having the mindset of “this discipline is His empowering” to it being “this discipline is one of my strengths”. Simultaneously, the Lord had been preparing me for a new level, a new season but I was still holding on to my perceived “strengths”, trying to lean on those strengths. The Holy Spirit then revealed that my strengths were not sufficient for where He was taking me and for the assignments He needed me to fulfill. Like Joseph, I was being stripped of my coat of many colors (Genesis 37:23) in preparation for my next. He was taking me on another journey so that more of His Strength(s) could be formed in and revealed through me. This season of loss or seeming weakness was actually a path to new strength, strength for this new phase of my life, strength that will ensure victory.

Friends, the times in which we live necessitates the strength of God. Our strengths that can be represented as our understanding/intellect, our emotional intelligence, our finances, or our skills/abilities are not sufficient to stand against the forces of darkness that have been released against our lives, families, communities, cities, and nations. Leaning on those strengths will only take us so far and no more. We will come to a time when those strengths will produce nothing, no results. Therefore, we must be intentional about staying connected to our source of Strength – the Vine – and depend on Him to give us power, His strength, both to desire and to act. For, in our own strength, we can do nothing.

Let us pray: Father, please forgive me for leaning on my own strength. Forgive me for making my strengths idols in my life and for turning away from You, the true source of my strength. Help me to submit to the working of the Holy Spirit in my life so that I can receive Your power to will and to do, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Don’t Run!

This morning, while taking out the trash, I was seemingly attacked by my neighbor’s dog. I said seemingly because the dog came charging towards me, stopped less than 2 feet away from me, all while barking ferociously. My heart leapt within my chest, but, somehow, I had the good sense not to run.

The neighbor and his son ran towards us, calling the dog by its name. This seemed to infuriate the dog even further. The more they called his name, the more he barked, edging closer and closer to me, circling me. I screamed! I was so afraid but kept hearing, “Don’t run!”.

Eventually, the neighbors grabbed the dog by his leash, apologized profusely, and returned to their home. The mother of the family shouted over to me, “Sorry Mrs. Wharton! His bark is worse than his bite. In fact, he wouldn’t have even bitten you.”

Later that morning, the son and daughter came to me, apologizing yet again. They commended me for my bravery in not running. They shared that the dog had gotten away a few times before and did the same thing. Unfortunately, most of the others who were “attacked” started running out of fear and this made the dog chase them and try to bite them. They said, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!”

After they left, I thought about this seeming “attack”. I thought of the fear I felt but also of having the presence of mind not to run. Then I thought of attacks that we face daily: sickness, disappointment, financial difficulties, loss of relationships, and the list can go on.

I thought of the many times that our Adversary charges from out of no where, suddenly and unexpectedly.

I thought of how he circles us, coming close enough to incite fear in us, but never really touching us; posing “as a roaring lion”.

I thought of how the Holy Spirit’s Presence penetrates that canopy of fear that envelops us, continuously reminding us, “Don’t Run!”

I thought, if we would just heed the voice of the Spirit and not give over control to our feelings, we would remain safe and victorious, even in the presence of a seeming “attack”.

I thought of the many times that I have relinquished my position of victory by NOT denying my flesh (emotions/feelings) its desire to be in control of my actions and reactions.

I thought of my neighbors’ words, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!” Then I thought, my running gives the devil permission to chase me down and truly attack me. If I don’t run, he is not given what he needs to pounce on me.

I thought, “Alex, no matter how afraid you are, you have to obey the voice of the Lord, Don’t Run!

Is there a situation that has suddenly and unexpectedly charged into your life? Has it brought you to a place of fear, and even terror? Are you tempted to run away instead of standing your ground?

James 4:7 states, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” You should not be the one that is running away from the situation as if you are in danger. The devil should!

Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit today, “Don’t Run! Help is on the way” Submit to His instruction and encouragement, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you but IS with you even in this seeming”attack”.

Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to pay attention to the Presence of Your Holy Spirit, more than I do the presence of the emotions that I am experiencing right now. May Your Holy Spirit make me brave and embolden me to stand my ground, in spite of the fear, until this “attack” flees. Help me not to run! In Jesus’ name – AMEN

Eben – ezer

Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. (1 Samuel 7:12)

Today is the last day of 2020. As I take time out to reflect on all that has transpired, I have come to the conclusion that yet another year the Lord God has been my Eben-ezer: my stone (Rock) of help. In spite of the losses and turmoil of this year, the Lord has helped us to this very point.

I give Him, the Lord my Rock – my Helper, all glory and praise. I refuse to give glory and credit for 2020 to the Adversary of our souls, by focusing on all the seemingly bad and chaotic things manifested this year. Instead, I cry, “Ezer (my Rock of help), you are worthy of my praise. Oh yes, YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY PRAISE!”

I love you all and are praying for you. Thank you for being a part of the beauty that God blessed me to experience in 2020.

If you are available at 9:00 p.m. EST tonight, I invite you to join me and my family, on Facebook live, as we celebrate God’s goodness to us in 2020 and hear His instructions for us that will enable us to be victorious in the upcoming battles of 2021.