How to Overcome Blurred Vision

 “... I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, …. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:8, 13, NIV).

Melissa is on her way back to her hometown after having been away for 3 years. When she left home, she was full of joy for and anticipation of the great opportunity ahead. She was walking into her best life, or so she thought. However, the following 3 years were filled with shattered dreams and downtrodden expectations, unexpected suffering, and almost intolerable pain. Returning home was her only hope but the thought of all she had lost and what lay ahead filled her with inconsolable grief. She could not stop crying.

Having resolved to start the journey home, Melissa packed the U-Haul truck and drove off towards the north. But she could not stop crying. She navigated the route with tears rolling down her cheeks, until she heard these words: “If you don’t stop crying, you will not be able to see the road; you will not be able to see where you are going.”

As I reflected on 2023 and turned my gaze toward 2024, the memory of one of my co-workers testimony flooded my mind. Melissa shared with me how God’s leading and guidance brought her through one of the darkest times of her life and that guidance began with the words she heard in that U-Haul truck. Those words were life changing for her and, at the time that she told me her testimony, it was as if the Lord Himself was speaking those words to me.

So often, our forward movement is hindered not because of a lack of sight, but rather because of cloudy or blurred vision caused by tears. Tears of sorrow because of the pain of losses; tears resulting from having to let go. Tears of fear brought on by the unknown, not knowing what lies ahead. Tears that cause us to freeze in place, not able to move forward.

I listened and was pointed to Ecclesiastes 3:1 -11a (NIV). “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…. He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Every activity has a season assigned to it and accepting the end of seasons, though sometimes difficult, is essential to our ability to move into the next for our lives. Like Paul, we must master the art of “counting all this as loss…. forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” (Philippians 3:7, 13, NKJV).

The year 2023 has come to an end and we have just entered a new year. We are not sure where our path will take us this year. But one thing is certain: if we don’t stop crying, we won’t be able to clearly see the path ahead. My prayer for you this year is clarity of sight and that God would grant you the comfort, courage, and grace to stand despite sorrow so that you can “make your way prosperous and have good success” (Joshua 1:8, NKJV).

Friend, wipe away the tears. Position your eyes to see. Lift your eyes so you can see with clarity the length and breadth of that which the Lord God has in store for you and be able to safely navigate the path to get there. This year can be an amazing year if you reject blurred vision brought on by tears.

Let us pray: Our Heavenly Father, as I begin my journey into this new year, I pray that you would grant me grace to let go the things I need to and embrace the new things that you are sending into my life. May my life be characterized by joy and not sorrow, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Give Thanks!

“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)

Every morning as the sun rises, every time the rain falls, every time an animal deposits its waste on the ground (soil), and every time the weight of a bee settles on a flower, it is an opportunity for that plant to receive what it needs to grow and multiply. To some, the heat of the sun, the wetness of the rain, the stench of the manure, and the weight of the bee may be perceived as NEGATIVES, discomfort, and even pain but, to others, these same things are perceived as BLESSINGS.

There is [an] opportunity for growth in EVERY situation that comes our way. This is why the Lord God said, through Paul, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV).

Friends, we can choose to view these situations as earthen vessels with treasures buried within and hunt for the treasures that will enrich our lives with growth and multiplication. OR we can choose to stay at a place of depression and defeat. The choice is yours. Choose well!

Right thing, Wrong time

Grace and I were on our way to visit a church. I punched in the address in the GPS and we set off. According to the GPS, the journey should be about 26 minutes, that is, it should take us about 26 minutes to get to our destination. About 6 minutes into the journey, Grace asked, “Mummy, are you watching the map?” I then looked at the GPS, sighed and said, “I just added 3 minutes to our time.”

I missed a turn! I was distracted; I was engrossed in thought. I was not concentrating on or paying attention to the journey because my mind was preoccupied with what the Lord had revealed to me that morning during my time with Him. I was doing a good thing, a God-thing but at the wrong time. 

The consequence of my inattention was additional stops and ultimately delay. The initial route from the point where I veered off required 6 traffic lights stops but the route I ended up taking had over 15 traffic light stops. As I drove and waited at each traffic light, I fought the feelings of frustration that the wait invoked. I told myself there was nothing I could do, at this point, but stay the course and remain focused going forward so I can make it to my destination sooner than later.

As I talked myself into remaining calm, I pondered on how the delay meant that we would miss what was ministered to the congregation within the first 5 minutes of the 1-hour service as well as whatever else the Lord had prepared to release into our lives at that time. I saw how delay not only makes the heart sick but it robs us of some of what was rightfully prepared for us, while bringing into our lives unnecessary interruptions and the frustrations that accompany them.

I thought of my current journey and wondered:

  1. Could it be that the frustrations that I am experiencing is because of a delay?
  2. Could it be that I am doing the right thing but because of lack of focus I have fallen behind schedule and am no longer in sync with the timing of God?
  3. Could it be that the delay or setbacks I am blaming the adversary for are a result of my failure to be intentional or give keen attention to my journey?
  4. Could it be that I am doing the right thing but at the wrong time?

I am reminded of the five foolish virgins in the parable Jesus taught in Matthew 25. The reason they did not experience their expected end (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV) was because they were doing the right thing at the wrong time.

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10, NIV). 

These virgins were doing the right thing: “going to those who sell oil and buying some for themselves” so that they could complete their assignment of lighting the path for the bridal procession. They ended up at the right destination: the wedding banquet but were denied access. Why? Although they were doing the right thing and were at the right place, they had missed the right time. Their lack of focus and attention during the journey opened the door to a delay that caused them to be out of time and to incur unnecessary sufferings.

Similarly, we are told in Luke 19:40-44 that Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed their time of visitation and the price they would pay was untold sufferings.

On the other hand, the Shunnamite woman understood that it was not enough to do the right thing; the right thing must be done at the right time. 2 Kings 8 1-4 (NIV) tells us , “Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, “Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the Lord has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years.” The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years. At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to appeal to the king for her house and land.”

She moved in the timing prescribed and “It so happened that as Gehazi was telling the king the story of the dead person brought back to life, the woman whose son was brought to life showed up asking for her home and farm” (2 Kings 8:5, MSG). The king ordered, “Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now” (2 Kings 8:6, NIV).

My dear friends, when we do the right things at the right time, we intercept the things that God has already prepared for us. But we must be mindful that it is possible to be following the leading of the Holy Spirit and still fall behind schedule. How? If we are not vigilant about distractions, especially those that stem from within – internal distractions- we can propagate a cycle of delay in our lives, limiting ourselves from being and doing ALL that the Lord God has fashioned us to be and do. In this year of recovery, let us be intentional about being on the lookout for distractions, staying focused, and endeavoring not only to obey but to be in time as well.

Let us pray: O Heavenly Father, please grant me the grace for discernment that you gave the sons of Issachar so I can understand not only what you want me to do but the right time at which it should be done. I break the cycle of delay over my life, in Jesus’ name, and receive strength to be vigilant as I follow the leading of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


 “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:2-3, NKJV).

It was “Family Car Wash Day”. All four of us were in the backyard putting hands together to wash the three cars in our household. Thad, my husband, had just gotten through lathering the truck and John our son followed with the hose, rinsing off the soap. As the flood of water ran down the side of the truck, it revealed areas that still needed washing. Grace commented how interesting it was that it looked like the truck was washed clean, but the rinsing revealed that it wasn’t. She continued with her observations about the need for more washing for it to be thoroughly clean. As she shared, I was reminded of the 3-fold washing taught by Scripture: the washing by the blood, washing of the word, and washing by the Spirit. Without all 3, we will not be thoroughly clean. “There are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one” (1 John 5:8, NKJV).

As I meditated on this throughout the following days, I thought on how we live in a world that is obsessed with having, having more and having it at any cost. Unfortunately, being immersed in such an environment increases our risk of being contaminated or defiled. There is that constant influence that affects our desires, ambitions, and focus. If we are not intentional about rejecting that influence, we will remain in a state of uncleanness and miss our reward at Jesus’ appearing.

1 John 3:2-3 (NKJV) states, “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

“… everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” Everyone who has this hope in Christ should cleanse oneself, or should take upon oneself purification. We each have a responsibility to endeavor and maintain purification so we can be pure as Jesus Christ.

Yes, there is an act of purification that comes through the blood of Jesus; through and by His blood our sins are washed away. But there is further purification needed to free us from contamination and defilement as we live in this world. This purification or cleansing is done ‘with the washing of water by the word’ (Ephesians 5:26, NKJV) and “through the washing in which the Holy Spirit gives us new birth and renewal” (Titus 3:5, GW). We must aspire for these to be daily applied to our lives.

Friends, to be totally free of the past, we must ensure that we are washing; washing daily, washing frequently. Washing ensures cleanliness. Just as we see the importance of washing our bodies, cars, clothing, utensils, etc, we should also see the importance of washing our soul daily. It is when we have clean hands and a pure heart that we can ascend into the holy hill and partner with God (Psalms 24:3-4, KJV). The cleaner we are the more we become like Him and the more intimate we can become with Him (1 John 1:5-7, NKJV). The more intimate we are with Him the more access we have to His heart and His power.

Paul said to the church at Corinth, “And such were some of you. But you were washed …. (1 Corinthians 6:11, NKJV). Let us endeavor to be WASHED.

Let us pray: Dear Lord, I thank you for your blood that washes away my sins. Thank you for the availability of your word and your Spirit that sanctifies and cleanses me until I become as pure as you. May I not be content with the contamination of the world that settles on and around me. Instead, may I have a desire to access both your word and your Spirit as a means of purifying/washing myself daily. I look forward to being like you on the day of your appearing. Amen.


  1. Bible Study: The Laver of Brass

Getting Pass Your Past

A moment ago, a minute ago, yesterday, last week, last month, nine months ago …. All these phrases are examples of THE PAST.

If you are like me and many others, at this time of the year, you have taken some time to reflect on the past, specifically the past year. You wonder what you might have done differently and how you can improve or do better in several areas of your life for this upcoming year. For many, this reflection might present a sense of “stuckness”, where it seems, although not impossible, very likely improbable to get pass certain aspects of the past. This feeling of “stuckness” is often buried  beneath smiles and well wishes for the season and new year. But there is a way of getting pass the past, a way to truly enter the new year with new momentum and a new drive. I have found that answer in a set aside time of prayer and fasting at the end of the year. For me, it takes the form of 3 days of prayer and fasting but for others the length of time might differ.

In this final blog post of 2022, I would like to share with you a strategy that I have discovered and used to help me get pass my past. First, before entering this period of set aside time of prayer and fasting, I set goals and clarify the purpose of the times of prayer during this fast. This enables me to be targeted in my requests and focuses my spiritual eyes and ears to receive instructions and directions from the Lord, concerning my deliverance, growth, and development. For me, the story of Jonah has provided targeted goals needed to facilitate my moving pass my past. Those goals are namely:

  1. To be rerouted and realigned with God’s destiny for my life.
  2. To hear clearly God’s instructions to me a “second” time.
  3. To realize redeeming of time/restoration of years.

The prayer requests that accompany these goals would then be:

  1. Lord, please cause me to have such an encounter in this time of prayer and fasting that it would be the prepared “vessel” that would transport me to exactly where you want me to be in this season.
  2. Lord God, attune my ears to your frequency and give me the eyes of an eagle to be able to clearly hear your voice and see your leading.
  3. Lord, grant me acceleration and redemption of time that I would arrive at where you intended me to be at this date and in this season of my life.

My prayer for you as you end this year and look forward to another is that this upcoming year you would

  • forget what is behind and straining toward what is ahead …. press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [you] heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14, NIV).
  • stand perfect and complete in all the will of God” (Colossians 4:12, KJV).
  • that “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better…. that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe” (Ephesians 1: 17-19, NIV).
  • be filled with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience…” (Colossians 1:9-11, NIV).

I love you guys and am praying for you. Have a happy and Spirit-filled and Spirit-led, New Year. Remember, your past cannot hold you back unless you empower it to do so. The Spirit of the living God has given you power to get pass your past.


  1. Devotional: The Gift of Mercy
  2. Bible Study: The Power of the 3-Day Prayer & Fasting


Yesterday, I received a text message from one of our spiritual children, “We are having the baby! Mrs. has been admitted to the hospital.” Sometime later, another message followed with a host of pictures, “5lbs 10 ounces 18 1/2 inches long.” My heart was overjoyed for this young couple who had recently been launched into church ministry. I responded to them, “A new chapter of your journey begins now. Go WITH God!”

Throughout the evening, my thoughts would drift back to them and settle on their newborn daughter. I was reminded that, with this new birth, a new potential soldier was born into the kingdom, another arrow in the making. I was reminded of the level of warfare that will be surrounding this innocent child and the necessity for vigilance and sobriety on the part of the parents. The knowledge that within each new life, God has hidden a part of His plan for this earth, weighed heavily on my mind and the urgency to, like Joseph with Jesus of old, do what is necessary to keep that child safe. Eventually, I stopped what I was doing and began to pray for that family.

I awoke this morning, and the memory of this new birth came to mind. As I reflected on the time I spent in prayer for this family, I began to think of those of you who may have also recently given birth to something new or are in the process of carrying a vision. In many cases, we plan for the arrival of the new with much joy and anticipation and forget that, for the new to survive and fulfill its purpose within this hostile environment, the optimal atmosphere must be created. Apostle Peter cautions us in 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV), “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Prior to Peter’s epistle, Jesus had taught His disciples, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10, NIV).”

As I write, I am also thinking of those with “children” (visions) that have been birthed some time ago. Some may be thriving on their way to bringing forth fruit of their own. Others may be parched and near death’s door. I pray over all of our children/visions today. I pray that no matter the condition of their physical environment that an atmosphere conducive for growth and development will envelop their lives right now, in Jesus’ name. I call on heaven for angelic assistance to stand guard over and around our children/visions. By the mighty name of Jesus, I rise and disarm every weapon that was fashioned against them and declare, although they have already been formed, they will not succeed in that which they were formed to do (Isaiah 54:17).

That which God has buried within them as hidden treasure to bless this world will come forth, in Jesus’ name. They will execute ALL the will of God in their seasons, in their generation. All that they need to prosper is provided now, in Jesus’ name. May the Holy Spirit breathe fresh life into them and bring them into alignment with that which the Lord is doing in this season. I speak over these children/visions, “Hear ye the word of the Lord. You were sent to earth not to be a failure, not to be a statistic but to accomplish what the Lord has desired and to achieve the purpose for which you were sent” (Isaiah 55: 11, NIV). YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH! YOU WILL PROSPER! You will not only survive but thrive. Go WITH God.

Don’t Run!

This morning, while taking out the trash, I was seemingly attacked by my neighbor’s dog. I said seemingly because the dog came charging towards me, stopped less than 2 feet away from me, all while barking ferociously. My heart leapt within my chest, but, somehow, I had the good sense not to run.

The neighbor and his son ran towards us, calling the dog by its name. This seemed to infuriate the dog even further. The more they called his name, the more he barked, edging closer and closer to me, circling me. I screamed! I was so afraid but kept hearing, “Don’t run!”.

Eventually, the neighbors grabbed the dog by his leash, apologized profusely, and returned to their home. The mother of the family shouted over to me, “Sorry Mrs. Wharton! His bark is worse than his bite. In fact, he wouldn’t have even bitten you.”

Later that morning, the son and daughter came to me, apologizing yet again. They commended me for my bravery in not running. They shared that the dog had gotten away a few times before and did the same thing. Unfortunately, most of the others who were “attacked” started running out of fear and this made the dog chase them and try to bite them. They said, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!”

After they left, I thought about this seeming “attack”. I thought of the fear I felt but also of having the presence of mind not to run. Then I thought of attacks that we face daily: sickness, disappointment, financial difficulties, loss of relationships, and the list can go on.

I thought of the many times that our Adversary charges from out of no where, suddenly and unexpectedly.

I thought of how he circles us, coming close enough to incite fear in us, but never really touching us; posing “as a roaring lion”.

I thought of how the Holy Spirit’s Presence penetrates that canopy of fear that envelops us, continuously reminding us, “Don’t Run!”

I thought, if we would just heed the voice of the Spirit and not give over control to our feelings, we would remain safe and victorious, even in the presence of a seeming “attack”.

I thought of the many times that I have relinquished my position of victory by NOT denying my flesh (emotions/feelings) its desire to be in control of my actions and reactions.

I thought of my neighbors’ words, “If you don’t run, he does nothing, only bark. When you run, that’s when he will bite!” Then I thought, my running gives the devil permission to chase me down and truly attack me. If I don’t run, he is not given what he needs to pounce on me.

I thought, “Alex, no matter how afraid you are, you have to obey the voice of the Lord, Don’t Run!

Is there a situation that has suddenly and unexpectedly charged into your life? Has it brought you to a place of fear, and even terror? Are you tempted to run away instead of standing your ground?

James 4:7 states, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” You should not be the one that is running away from the situation as if you are in danger. The devil should!

Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit today, “Don’t Run! Help is on the way” Submit to His instruction and encouragement, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you but IS with you even in this seeming”attack”.

Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to pay attention to the Presence of Your Holy Spirit, more than I do the presence of the emotions that I am experiencing right now. May Your Holy Spirit make me brave and embolden me to stand my ground, in spite of the fear, until this “attack” flees. Help me not to run! In Jesus’ name – AMEN

Strategy for Warfare: DETERMINATION

I was awakened by a memory of my mother’s return to Antigua in 2020, after she had spent about 2 months with us here in South Carolina. I remembered the spectacle we created at Charleston International Airport while she was checking in her luggage for the flight home.

There she was on the floor of the American Airlines terminal with bags opened, stuffing things in her checked and carry-on luggage. I recall standing there, totally embarrassed, observing her determination. I thought to myself, at that time, “Those things aren’t going to fit. Why doesn’t she give up? She is going to have to leave some of those things behind.” I not only thought this but said so to her. Thad, who is usually more positive than I, came along and told her the same thing. But she kept on working because she was DETERMINED!

She packed and unpacked. She assessed the weight she was carrying in light of the airline’s weight allowance. Then she made a determination of the FEW items that she could afford to leave behind, with the expectation that I would bring them for her, when I visited a few months later. Then she found a way for the others, that she could not afford to leave behind, to fit in her luggage. She rearranged some. She removed some from their packaging. She stuffed some here and there, all so she would lose NONE. Her sandwich was going to be crushed and battered but that did not stop her.

As I revisited this memory, I found myself inwardly smiling at the images. I also found myself encouraged. Here was one of her character traits that would serve as a strength for her and for us, as we endeavor to fulfill our assignment on earth – DETERMINATION.

What is determination? According to the Oxford Dictionary, determination is defined as firmness of purpose or resoluteness. Resoluteness speaks of a firm decision to do or not do something. Determination also speaks of steadfastnessbeing firm and unwavering; persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Finally, determination involves persistencefirm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

This idea or concept of determination, then, is founded on first a decision. Once that decision is made (I am taking ALL these things home in 2 checked bags and 2 carry-on bags), then doing everything in one’s power, despite the difficulties, challenges, and obstacles to attain that goal. Assess the current weight/load; decide on what FEW can be left behind; rearrange; remove; press/stuff!

As I meditated on this idea of determination, I came to the conclusion that I have lost many battles because of a lack of determination. I have been displaying a lack of determination in regards to God’s promises to me, His prophetic words over my life. When faced with roadblocks, I detour and lose my confidence, eventually resulting in a lost or stuck place. I lack determination to stay the course until I achieve success.

Unlike Mummy, I do not make the necessary calculations of what I can leave behind or sacrifice so that I can attain the goal. I give up and live my life lacking the very things God has given me for my success. I allow myself to be DETERRED. (Deter – discourage someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.) I begin to question the promises of God in light of my “containers”. I lack faith that whatever I lose will be brought (returned or restored) to me at a later date. I become discouraged, lacking determination in the face of uncertainty and fear.

My meditation on these thoughts brought me to a place of prayer. I confessed – O Holy Spirit, I see my wrong. I see where I have allowed my emotions to restrain me from acting on what you have said. I have allowed them to make me less enthusiastic about what You have said and restrain me from proceeding forward. Please forgive me and grant me the grace to be determined.

Sisters, here is yet another strategy for warfare: the strategy of DETERMINATION. Scripture presents us with an example of a WATCHER referred to as The Shunammite, who employed this strategy and won. We find her testimony in 2 Kings 4: 8-37. She was determined that she would lose NONE of what God had given to her. Nothing she saw, heard, or felt was going to instill doubt or fear as a means of deterring her from her goal. Whatever appeared to be lost at that moment, she believed would be restored to her at a later time. She not only displayed this quality in chapter 4 concerning the reviving of her son but, years later, her determination kept her as she held on to the word of the Lord from the man of God. When it seemed like all that she had was lost (for 7 years), her determination resulted in FULL restoration – 2 Kings 8:1-6.


Quotes For Determination - Retro Future


As the new year unfolds, I have been thinking much on the strategies for warfare provided in the Holy scriptures. I have also been thinking about the fact that as an ezer, I need to be intentional about being a W.O.M.E.N.

W.O.M.E.N. is an acronym that stands for Watcher of Ministry Empowered with kNowledge. It speaks of and to one of the characteristics of God as revealed in Jeremiah 1:12: that of a watcher. God said to Jeremiah, “You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.”

As we were made in God’s image and likeness, we have this characteristic available in our DNA. We too have the ability to be alert and active, watching over the things that pertain to us. This characteristic of a watcher is not only an ability but also a strategy for warfare. A strategy is a plan of action to achieve a particular goal, usually over long period of time.

Throughout scripture, we are given examples after examples of ezers who activated this ability and employed this strategy consistently until victory was realized. They did not allow the duration of time to cause them to become slack in their watching. They had a goal and they stuck to their plan.

We read of WATCHERS like Anna, Jochebed, Jael, Achsah, Sheerah, and the list can go on. From the testimonies of these women’s lives, we learn how to be W.O.M.E.N. We learn how to be intentional in our roles as Watchers of Ministry Empowered with kNowledge. We learn how to be successful in warfare.

Therefore, I invite you, over the next few months, to dig deep with me into the lives of these sisters who have gone before us. This month, I invite you to become skillful in the use of the strategy that requires your activity and alertness in watching over the things, the words, that the Lord God has invested in your life. In this new year, I encourage you to not relegate yourself to passivity and to wishful thinking. Rather ARISE as the ezer that you have been designed to be and watch over your word until it is accomplished.

RISE above every stumbling block that would stand in your way.

POSITION yourself on your post and WATCH. (Habakkuk 2:1; 2 Samuel 18:24; 2Kings 9:17)

  • WATCH from a place of knowledge.
  • WATCH from a place of authority.
  • WATCH from a place of strength; for they that know their God will be strong and will do exploits (Daniel 11:32).

Let us pray: Our Father and Our God, we call on you this day for activation. Please activate us as Watchers. Mobilize and energize us to be alert and active in that which you have assigned us to do and be. Grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation. May the eyes of our understanding be flooded with light that we might be empowered with knowledge for our various assignments (ministries). Thank you Father for activating and empowering us, in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

Devotional: Legislation Influencers


One of the methods that God allows to teach us warfare is TEMPTATIONS. Temptations may come in the form of bodily conditions, desires, mental states, and outward circumstances. My response to temptations is not to “enter it”; not to yield to its pull on me to sin; not to be diverted from my divine errand; not to lapse from the faith or holiness; nor to rebel against God. Instead, I am expected to use watchfulness and prayer so that I can endure the temptation and find a way to escape that I might be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). My goal is to be like Jesus; return from the temptation in the power of the spirit (Luke 4:14).

My Father, in heaven, holy is your name. Let your kingdom come. May you will be done in me, in my day, right here on Earth as it is done in heaven.

Father, I look to you for my daily bread: that which you have prepared and provided to sustain me today; that which will give me energy – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you for what I have already received from the Bread of Heaven today. May that which I have eaten strengthen me to not flee or recede from the temptations or wiles of the enemy. But may it empower me to stand unharmed and prepared to face those wiles of the devil.

May I be strengthened in the inner man to be watchful so that I would not yield to the pull to sin; not be diverted from my divine errand; not lapse from the faith or holiness; nor rebel against you Lord. Father, Holy Spirit sensitize my spirit to find ways of escape so that I may be able to bear / endure these temptations.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray so that I do not enter these temptations. Thank you for this tool of growth and development. May my hands be taught to war and my fingers to fight.

Father, remember my loved ones, my spiritual brothers and sisters all over this world. May they too receive their daily bread so that they may be empowered to endure their temptations. Dear Lord, consider the weakness of our flesh and teach us how to work with the Holy Spirit so that your right hand and your arm and the light of your countenance can save us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Father , I thank you for commanding victories and deliverances for us today. I thank you that, through you, we shall push down our enemies; and through your name we shall tread them under who rise up against us. I thank you that we can trust and lean upon you. Please continue to instruct us and teach us in the way we should go, guiding and counseling us with your eye. I love you Father. AMEN!!

Matthew 6:13; Matthew 26:41; James 1:12; Galatians 4:14; Judges 3: 1-4; Psalms 44:4; Psalms 32:8