Exactly as He said!

“So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith (complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told me…” (Acts 27:25, AMPC).

“Even in tumultuous times, the garden is still working.” These are the words my husband, Thad, spoke as he came in from outside, with an almost perfect green tomato in his hand. My thoughts were, “That garden puts us to shame.”

Here is a garden defying what the season is saying to it, and still bearing fruit. We had given up on it, thinking that it had borne all it could for this year. Thad had not been paying any attention to it for months now; he had not been tilling the soil, adding nutrients, or watering it. Yet, the garden persevered and brought forth fruit. The fruit was not in abundance but it was fruit nonetheless. 

As I write, I am reminded of Hebrews 10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (NIV)

Friends, as you look back over this year and begin to look forward to the New Year, I would like to remind you that there is still more in you for that goal, that vision, that seems to have borne all that it could. What you need most right now is to hold on to your confidence in God and be patient. Encourage yourself to “have faith (complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told [you] …” (Acts 27:25-26, AMPC)

I declare over you that your faith will not fail. Confidence is rising in you now and you are receiving strength to hold on to that confidence. As you hold on, it will provide you with the fuel that you need to be patient and to persevere in doing God’s will. Amen!

Let us pray: O Holy Spirit, please help us to cast away everything that will erode our confidence: every lie, every doubt or unbelief, and every fear. We cast them all away today and hold on to your promise, in Jesus‘s name. Amen.

2 Replies to “Exactly as He said!”

  1. Amen!! Such beautiful powerful words. Thank you for sharing Jesus and all the lovely messages HE puts in your heart ❤️

  2. Thank you Ed for your continual words of encouragement. Let us continue to pray that His messages reaches and stirs the hearts of others to fully commit their lives to him. 💕

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