As the new year unfolds, I have been thinking much on the strategies for warfare provided in the Holy scriptures. I have also been thinking about the fact that as an ezer, I need to be intentional about being a W.O.M.E.N.

W.O.M.E.N. is an acronym that stands for Watcher of Ministry Empowered with kNowledge. It speaks of and to one of the characteristics of God as revealed in Jeremiah 1:12: that of a watcher. God said to Jeremiah, “You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.”

As we were made in God’s image and likeness, we have this characteristic available in our DNA. We too have the ability to be alert and active, watching over the things that pertain to us. This characteristic of a watcher is not only an ability but also a strategy for warfare. A strategy is a plan of action to achieve a particular goal, usually over long period of time.

Throughout scripture, we are given examples after examples of ezers who activated this ability and employed this strategy consistently until victory was realized. They did not allow the duration of time to cause them to become slack in their watching. They had a goal and they stuck to their plan.

We read of WATCHERS like Anna, Jochebed, Jael, Achsah, Sheerah, and the list can go on. From the testimonies of these women’s lives, we learn how to be W.O.M.E.N. We learn how to be intentional in our roles as Watchers of Ministry Empowered with kNowledge. We learn how to be successful in warfare.

Therefore, I invite you, over the next few months, to dig deep with me into the lives of these sisters who have gone before us. This month, I invite you to become skillful in the use of the strategy that requires your activity and alertness in watching over the things, the words, that the Lord God has invested in your life. In this new year, I encourage you to not relegate yourself to passivity and to wishful thinking. Rather ARISE as the ezer that you have been designed to be and watch over your word until it is accomplished.

RISE above every stumbling block that would stand in your way.

POSITION yourself on your post and WATCH. (Habakkuk 2:1; 2 Samuel 18:24; 2Kings 9:17)

  • WATCH from a place of knowledge.
  • WATCH from a place of authority.
  • WATCH from a place of strength; for they that know their God will be strong and will do exploits (Daniel 11:32).

Let us pray: Our Father and Our God, we call on you this day for activation. Please activate us as Watchers. Mobilize and energize us to be alert and active in that which you have assigned us to do and be. Grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation. May the eyes of our understanding be flooded with light that we might be empowered with knowledge for our various assignments (ministries). Thank you Father for activating and empowering us, in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

Devotional: Legislation Influencers

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