Prayer: About Intercession

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your words, for the Holy Scriptures. Thank You for inspiring men of old to write, even as I am being inspired to write today. Thank You for the testimonies of David, Daniel, and Isaiah. Thank You for sharing the story of Your people, the Israelites, with us Gentiles so we can see the light and come along.

O Holy Spirit, thank You for Your leading and guidance. Thank You for being the greatest Teacher ever! Thank You for meeting me where I was both mentally and emotionally this morning and for finding a way to engage me and teach/impart to me knowledge/truth.

Thank You for opening my understanding about INTERVENTION and the role of the heart in causing a transfer of things from the heavenlies to the earth realm (Daniel 10:12). Thank You for showing me the roles of all of the parties involved in causing that transfer to happen: You, Your messenger, agents of the adversary, and ME.

Thank You for reminding me that my job as an intercessor is to STAND IN THE GAP before You, God: to take a stand; to endure, tarry, remain, persist, continue and be steadfast; to hold my ground; AND to station myself. Thank You for emphasizing that this should be my position wherever there is a breach, a gap, an opening, or a broken wall due to the attack or besiegement of the adversary. Thank You for reinforcing to me the necessity for me, as an intercessor, to repel the enemy, even though my life may be exposed to imminent peril. Thanks for revealing that my job, as an intercessor, is to continue interceding until reinforcement comes or until the answer is revealed.

Holy Spirit, may I be like Daniel, one given to prayer; one given to seeking understanding through prayer. Daniel was among the four, who in ALL matters of wisdom and understanding, was 10 times better than all of his peers in all the realm of Babylon. Yet, he continually consulted You for understanding . Holy Spirit, may I also be like David, who always consulted You for direction: what is the next move?

Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for instruction in righteousness over these past few days of consecration. I look forward to receive so much more from You. I open my spirit to You. I open my heart and mind (soul) to You. Create in me a heart that is after Your heart. Create in me a spirit that pants after and yields to You. Create in me a mind that is renewed to be as the mind of Christ: humble and obedient.

I give myself to You to be Your student, Your disciple; to follow You and become who God has sanctified and ordained me to be, before He formed me in the belly and before I came out of the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

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