Prayer: Decision-Making

Hello Friends! We are nearing the end of November, my birth month. As promised, in celebration, I have been sharing daily posts instead of monthly posts. I pray that they have been a source of blessing and inspiration for you. For the final four days of the month, I will be sharing prayers selected from my prayer journals. May they bring results in your life as they have done in mine. Today’s prayer is one of supplication for sight as it pertains to decision-making.

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your word. Thank You for speaking to me even when I seem distracted. Help me to hear what Your spirit is saying to me and obey. Holy Spirit, please give me insight into Your words and how to apply them to my life.

Forgive me Father for every time that I have blamed You for problems and difficulties that I have brought upon myself. Forgive me for the times when I did not consult You first for directions, guidance, and instructions BEFORE I stepped out. Forgive me for the times when I found myself in difficulties and did not stop to inquire of You. Please help me to make Proverbs 3:5-6 the guiding principle by which I live: Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct thy paths.

Teach me Holy Spirit how to seek You and seek wisdom until I receive instructions from on high. Help me to learn how to wait, to wait patiently on the Lord. Lord God, please help me not to walk by my sight, but to walk by faith in Your words. Blind my eyes from the counterfeit of the enemy. I loose the hold of every Deception and Duplicity, every crafty scheme and cunning invention from my eyes and from the eyes of my understanding. I disarm these weapons and declare their potency to be neutralized in the name of Jesus. I declare that I walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

I will not cast away my confidence which hath great recompense of reward . I receive patience from the Holy Spirit now so that, after I have done the will of God, I might receive the promise. I declare and decree that yet a little while and He that shall come will come and will not tarry. I am just and I shall live by faith. There is no drawing back in me (Hebrews 10:35-38).

I will not make decisions based on what the enemy wants me to see, think, and believe. I guard my mind and will with the precious blood of Jesus from the infiltration of the enemy. The good land (my body, marriage, family, community, ministry, country) that the Lord has given me will not be plundered by the enemy. The good ground of my heart, my husband’s and children’s hearts will not be turned into stony ground. The wells/springs of our spirits will not be stopped up. No godly fruit-bearing tree in our lives will be cut down. We invoke the power of the blood of Jesus around us for our protection this day.

Holy Spirit, cause us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High so that we can abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91:1). Cause us to seek after dwelling in the house of the Lord all the days of our lives, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple (Psalms 27:4). Cause our desires to be continually FOR God.

Holy Spirit, please help me every day to be consistent and steadfast about seeking You and pressing into Your presence that You may guide me in my decisions. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

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