Prayer of Thanksgiving

It is a new day! A day of thanksgiving and rejoicing. A day when I take my eyes off of who I am, what I have done, my state, AND I lift my eyes to God the Father to gaze at and wonder/ponder on who He is, what He has done, and His changeless state.

Today I am reminded that “His promise still stands; great is His faithfulness. I am still in His hands and this is my confidence.” Today I am reminded that He is “my Promise Keeper. He will never fail. His love is true.

I am thankful for every time that I was down and He lifted me up. For every time He spoke to the storm – the wind and the waves in my life – and commanded, “Peace, Be still!” – (Mark 4:39)

I am thankful for His choosing me and for giving me power to become His child, a child of God (John 1:12).

I am thankful for His love that He poured on me and in me (Romans 5: 5).

I am thankful for His thinking of me AND for acting on those thoughts, working on my behalf ( Jeremiah 29:11; Psalms 92:5).

I am thankful for every assistance that He has given/sent to my life: angels, people, favor, a hedge, Christ’s intercession, His Holy Spirit – my Master, Teacher and Guide.

I am thankful for the knowledge and understanding that He gives to me daily; for the revelation of His will.

I am thankful for how He designed me and built me AND for the assignment/mission that He has assigned to me here on earth.

I now know that my assignment (my various ministries) is not external of me. It is part and parcel of who I am. As I grow, develop, and mature, so does my assignment within me. As I move, so does my assignment. I am daily living out my assignment. My assignment is not something I am waiting on but, it is already part of who I am.

I was not waiting to be a wife when my husband found me. He found a wife (Proverbs 18:22). I was already a wife. I didn’t become a mother when I gave birth to my first child. I am a woman, mother of all living. Similarly, I was not a teacher when I received certification nor a pastor when I was ordained (1 Samuel 16:1 ). I had/have been carrying these ministries inside of me all along.

Time and growth facilitate the manifestation of what I am carrying inside of me: my assignment, my ministries. Now today – 11/23/2020 – we see and know (who we are) in part but, then – in the process of time – we will see and know, even as we are seen and known by God (1 Corinthians 13:12). Thank you God for this revelation and thank you for being God!

I go forth today with Your love and this knowledge that I am what I am, by the grace of God ( 1 Corinthians 15:10). I am not going to be but, in this moment, I am. With Your grace assisting me, all will see and be blessed by who You have made me to be. May my life honor You by expressing Your will, Your thoughts, Your intentions, and Your ideas to this world. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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