Be Encouraged!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

I am sitting at my dining table preparing my notes for the Bible Study teaching tonight. My husband comes downstairs and excitedly exclaims, “Did you see it?”

“See what?”, I asked.

“We are at 102,” he replied.

…I grabbed my phone and texted in the family chat: Good morning. More good news! ezerwatchers has just passed the 100 subscribers mark. As of today, we are at 102 subscribers and counting. Thank you Lord!!!

Later that morning, one of my “daughters” asked, “Are you going to write a celebratory post?….100 is a milestone.” I gave it some thought and while thinking on it, my mind went to one of my journal entries from July 2019. It reads as follows:

I am somewhat disappointed this morning. I am displeased because has not been receiving the responses I had expected or hoped for. I expected that it would be supported by my family and friends, if by no one else. But last week, it only received 1 view total.

However, in my reading this morning, I read Nehemiah 5:16a – “Yea, also I continued in the work of this wall….” This passage spoke about how Nehemiah invested in himself and continued in his assignment. Unlike the other governors before him, he was not going to trust in or rely on the people. Instead he was going to shoulder his burdens and apply himself (that is, devote himself) to the work of the wall.

Like Nehemiah, I need to look away from man’s help, from my expectations from family and friends, and continue to invest in the work that God has assigned me – ezerwatchers. I need to keep at it! Be faithful!

Dear Father, You are my support so, I look to You for support. Help me to keep my eyes focused on the assignment and not look to the arm of flesh. Help me to value Your approval more than the approval of man and above everything else. Lord, help me to remember that as long as I am obeying You, then I am successful and prosperous. I thank you for your encouragement. I will wait on You and be of good courage. Amen!

Friends, that morning I went into prayer with the weight of disappointment weighing me down but, by the time I left my place of prayer, I was encouraged. I want to share that same encouragement with you. I want to encourage you regarding those times when it seems like what God has asked you to do is not bearing any fruit. Do not allow disappointment to pull you apart from your God-assigned task. Know that all God requires of you is faithfulness. It is His responsibility to add as needed. Just as you were a part of making this milestone possible for ezerwatchers, even so God is raising up people to help make your milestone possible.


Know that the Lord Your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness  – Deuteronomy 2:7 (NIV).

My love and prayers are with you all!

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