Strategies for Success

For the past two mornings, I literally dragged myself out of bed to go meet the Lord at our place of prayer, at our time of prayer. During yesterday’s time of prayer, it seems like I did not have my usual connection with the Lord, but I determined to stay there and give Him the time I had set aside for Him. This morning’s prayer, however, was different. As I knelt, I began to talk to God about a few dreams that I recalled having during the night. Almost immediately He answered back. As I knelt in silence, these are the words I heard. I later called them my “Strategies for Success“.

    You are what you eat. If your daily diet – that which you consume – is made up of mostly carnal, worldly things (songs, movies, literature, social media etc.), you will become carnal and worldly. Your sensitivity will be more honed to things of the flesh than things of the spirit. Monitor your diet. Be sure to be adequately feeding your spirit man daily.
    Just as God gave the servants in Matthew 25:15 (AMPC) talents to each in proportion to his own personal ability, He has given to each of us time in proportion to our own personal ability [to handle it]. He expects the same of us as He did of them:
    – Use the ability that I have and be a good steward of the time that was given.
    – Invest my time in things that will give a good return or profit to the kingdom.
    Remember, I will have to give an account, even of the use of “my” time.
    – I should not just let life happen and whatever happens I flow with it. I should, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, be dictating to my life what will happen.
    – I should not live my life in a reactive state rather in a proactive state.
    – Ascribe tasks to my time. Every minute of my day should be accounted for. No time should be left for the enemy to shape or inject his will/agenda.
    Routines have their place and rewards. They are needed as foundations on which we build.
    Routines help us manage our time, thus managing stress and reduce time stealers in our life. They ensure that attention is given to important tasks, forcing us into a habit of giving our time to the things that are priority. Routines help us to optimize our daily lives.

    Meeting the Lord at our place of prayer and at our time of prayer should become a routine in our lives. It should be the first step in the procedure of how we start our day. If we can develop the habit of meeting the Lord at our place of prayer and at our time of prayer, then the struggle of finding/making time to pray will cease. We will then open room to “hear” and receive frequent impartations from the Lord. PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT!

I encourage you, dear Friends, to give thought to the strategies by which you live your life. Remember, a strategy is a plan of action to achieve a goal. What are your goals? Do you have strategies for their success?

Dear Father, please teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12

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