Prayer for My Marriage

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.Matthew 19:6b (KJV)

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for joining us together. Thank you for the spiritual yoke that binds us together, making us one. I pray that You would breathe on our yoke. Father God, breathe on us. May we desire to be together, to be one, to be in each other’s company – not because of the pain that discord in the yoke causes but because we enjoy each other’s company.

Please teach us how to love each other; how to be mindful of each other; and how to cover each other. When we do not understand each other’s words, actions, or even thoughts, teach us to run to You and ask for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. May this be the modus operandi (mode of operating) for our relationship so that we can become immune to the spirit of Offense.

In our times of reflection, may we see in the mirror of your word what is needed to bring change in ourselves (individually) and eventually growth in our marriage. Show us what we need to meditate on in regards to our marriage that will make our marriage prosperous and allow it to have good success (Joshua 1:8).

I cover my husband with my prayer this morning. Let the power of Your Holy Spirit be manifested in his life today. Cause Your will to become his will; Your agenda to become his agenda; Your priorities his priorities, in Jesus’ name. May he remember that he is an overcomer and more than a conqueror, in Jesus’ name.

Thank You Lord for giving him to me and me to him. May we be empowered to take care of each other and be good stewards of each other’s hearts, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN!!

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