Prayer of Warfare for My Family

By the power and authority invested in me, through the blood and name of Jesus, I contend for my family today!

  • Every attack against this family is arrested!
  • I revoke every assignment against us and interrupt every demonic activity in and around our lives; I prohibit their influence; they shall NOT succeed!
  • I violently object to every Satanic claim over our lives, over our progress and prosperity and over our souls!
  • I demolish every Satanic roadblock against this family!
  • I revoke every curse pronounced against this family!
  • I pronounce divine reversal of every demonic conspiracy against the leadership of this family!
  • Every counsel against us will come to nought!
  • I unblock every stopped up well in this family!
  • I declare that this family is blessed with the blessings of the Lord!
  • Doors of opportunity and favor are opened to us now!
  • This family is seeing AND will see the manifestation of the plans and purposes of God, as prophesied over our lives!
  • We will be the head and not the tail; above only and not beneath!
  • We will be known for holiness and righteousness and will be a godly example to nations!
  • This family will walk in the power and leading of the Holy Spirit!
  • Prayer, anointed prayer, effective prayer will be the nature and trademark of this family!
  • This family will bear fruit and experience expansion and growth!
  • Our roots will grow downward and our shoots upward!
  • We will remain planted in God and on fire for God until He returns or calls us home!

“The Breaker, the Messiah, who opens the way, is going up before us [liberating us].
We are breaking out, passing through the gate and going out;
with our King going on before us, and
The Lord at our head.”
Micah 2:13


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