
…to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14 KJV).

I have never been diagnosed with sinusitis nor a sinus infection but, I have had some serious allergy problems during certain seasons. A few years ago, I was out of school for a couple of days because of allergies. My allergic reaction was so bad that my usual dose of Zyrtec could not relieve the symptoms. I had to get a butt shot (OUCH!!) to be able to return to school.

During the spring and summer months, my immune system goes into major battle mode. For at least half of the year, my body wages war against allergens. An allergen is any substance that triggers the immune system, causing an allergic reaction. Some allergens include dust, mold, pollen, and pet dander. Although harmless, they are recognized by my immune system as harmful. Whenever they are present in my environment, my immune system overreacts producing antibodies to attack and destroy them, thus defending the body from this invasion.

The battle is evident by the symptoms manifesting in my body: sneezing, watery eyes, itching eyes, ears, roof of mouth, throat and nose, congestion, runny nose, and sometimes wheezing. The severity of the symptoms are determined by the type and amount of allergens encountered and by how my immune system decides to react to them. So now, I can tell when there is an allergen in my environment. I may not be able to identify its source or what exactly it is, but I know it is present. How do I know? The symptoms.

However, although these allergens are harmless, there are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that do pose a real threat to the body. The immune system is given to us to defend the body, by keeping these invaders out or by destroying infections caused by those invaders that successfully gain entrance.

As in the natural so it is in the spiritual. There are things in our spiritual environment that triggers our spiritual immune system to go into battle-mode. I want my spiritual system to be so sensitive that I can detect when the adversary or his agents are in my environment. I want to be acquainted with the symptoms that will inform my understanding that a battle is raging in my spiritual atmosphere. I want to be aware of when there is a need to launch an attack, neutralize the potency of every would-be invader, and stop their advancement, causing them to retreat. This sensitivity will guarantee maintenance of my spiritual health and wellbeing.

One of the ways that I can gain such sensitivity is by growing from being a babe in Christ that can only handle milk into the woman that God had designed and equipped me to be; that perfected woman – one who is of full age – skilful in the word of righteousness. This acquired skill develops by reason of use, that is by having my senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5: 13-14 KJV).

Heavenly Father, please help me to grow up. Help me in this discovery of who I am to find myself in Your word and be transformed. May I become able to handle the strong meat of Your word. Help me to practice living by Your word daily so that by reason of use, I can have my senses exercised to detect the invaders in my atmosphere and be successful as a warrior in Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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