It’s all so overwhelming!

Are you embarking on something new? A new project, a new job, a new home, a new marriage, a new child?

Do you find yourself becoming anxious and worried about your ability to rise to this new challenge and be successful at it?

Do you believe that this is something to which God has assigned you but you are doubting your sufficiency for the task?

Well I was there too.

I woke up this morning, after going to bed late last night, thinking… “I might have bitten off more than I can chew.” There is so much I want to do and so little time: blog, church work, research for personal development, time with the children, time with the spouse, rearrange the house, and the list goes on.

On my walk this morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about balance; combining biblical study times; tackling one task at a time so as to become an expert in one thing; spending some time in prayer and fasting; but, most importantly, allowing him to help me carry the load. Be faithful in that which I feel He is asking me to do at this time and allow Him to do His part.

He reminded me that I have help. All my help comes from him. When my heart is overwhelmed, I need to run to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 63:2).

1. The Bible Study Teaching – Overwhelmed?
2. The Devotional – You Don’t Have To Do This Alone!
3. Prayer Room – My Help!

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