Warfare Against Fear

Dear Lord God,

Thank you for your words. Thank you for speaking to me, even when I seem distracted by Fear’s predictions. Holy Spirit, please help me not to walk by the predictions that Fear brings before my sight, but to walk by faith in your words.

Holy Spirit, blind my eyes from the counterfeit of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

I loose the hold of every spirit of deception and duplicity, from every crafty scheme and cunning invention of the enemy on my mind, my emotions, my imagination and my will, in the name of Jesus.

By the power of the name of Jesus, I dismantle every illusion and expose its lies before my eyes and the eyes of my understanding. I disarm Fear’s weapons and declare their potency in my life to be neutralized, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I declare that I walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). I will not cast away my confidence, which has great recompense of reward. I receive patience from the Holy Spirit now so that after I have done the will of God, I might receive the promise (Hebrews 10:35-38).

I further declare that I am just and I SHALL live by faith. There is no drawing back in me. I wil not make decisions based on what the enemy wants me to see, feel, think, and believe. I guard my mind with the peace of God from the infiltration of the enemy.

I invoke the power of the blood of Jesus around me for protection this day. Holy Spirit, cause me to dwell continually in the secret place of the Most High so I can abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91).

Holy Spirit, please help me like David to push past the threats and predictions of the adversary and  meet the challenge of being obedient to your word and will. Thank you for giving me the victory over Fear and its companions.


1. The Blog PostBut I Am Afraid!
2. The Bible Study Teaching – Mighty Man of Valor!
3. The Devotional – Prediction: Imminent Defeat!
4. The Prayer RoomWarfare: Obedience conquers Fear

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