Who am I?

OBJECTIVE: To explore the question “Who am I?”

DAY 1: Do the world really know who you are? Do you know who you are?

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV – I submit that there is a you that has not been announced to the world as yet. There is a you that no one has yet experienced. There is a you that has never existed in this place, system or time as yet. A you that even you have not been introduced to. It is possible to live among others and they still do not know you. Today we want to explore the question, “Who am I?”
  2. Read Matthew 16:13-19 and Mark 8: 27-29, we are told of an account of Jesus and His disciples journeying to the towns of the region of Caesarea Philippi. On the way, Jesus asks His disciples two questions that we are going to borrow today to answer the question, “Who am I?” Those two questions were:
    Who do men say that I am?
    Who do you say that I am?
  3. If we were to pause and take heed to the words we use to describe ourselves (mother, wife, pastor, first lady, doctor, teacher, member), we would realize that the words we chose to describe ourselves came from one of two sources: men or me. The words, descriptors, are indicative of how we see ourselves and/or how others have habitually described or introduced us. Are you able to separate the descriptors based on their sources?
    Who do men say that you are?
    Who do you say that you are?
  4. Peter’s response to the question, “But who do you say that I am?” did not come from Peter’s mind, intellect, imaginations, opinions, will or observations. Flesh and blood did not reveal it to him but the Father in heaven. Peter opened himself to receive a revelation of Jesus’ true identity and in return was rewarded with a revelation of his true identity and access to power. You are not just Simon which means to “hear or listen” but you are Peter, a rock, solid enough for me to build my church on. [See Matthew 16: 15 – 19]

REFLECTION  – Take a few minutes and meditate on the answers to the questions below as they relate to you.

  1. Who did my parents say that I am? (What do your names mean?)
    For example, my first and middle names are Alex & Diane.
    Alex = Defender of the people; Diane = complete light, divine.
  2. Who do men say that I am? (What are some names or titles that people ascribe to you?)
  3. Who do I say that I am?
  4. Who does God say that I am?