
Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? – Matthew 26:40

The prevailing mindset of the USA church seems to be to view intercession as interception to receive blessings or answers to prayers for material things. There needs to be a shift in this mindset. Intercession should also be seen as intervention to launch attacks and counter attacks for the release of the souls of men.

These are indeed perilous times. Men’s hearts are waxing cold and iniquity abounds. Both interception and intervention are needed as part of our intercession. Resources (material blessings) are needed to fund the warfare, but targeted attacks against the enemy are needed also.

According to Frank T. Seekins, “The ancient Hebrew letters were pictures that slowly evolved into the modern Hebrew letters used today. The ancient picture letters used for ezer were an eye, a man and a weapon. In other words, an ezer is a revealer of man’s enemy.”

Female Adams – women – have been anointed and appointed as `ezer to mankind. `Ezer are special agents for protection OR called into battle whenever deliverance or rescue is needed. One of the weapons of warfare that `ezer specialized in is Intercession.

Consequently, the manifestation of our assignment as `ezer and our call to the Earth is in the capacity of a WATCHER:
– One awakened from sleep;
– One who has arisen and taken her position on the tower;
– One focused on seeing; seeing the approach of the enemy; seeing God’s hand and operation in the Earth, specifically in the place of my habitation (my sphere).

As a watcher,
– I am awake
– I am vigilant and sober
– I pray (at least one hour)
– I tarry
– I stand guard
– I am cautious
– I am active
– I give strict attention to my spheres of influence ( home, workplace, community, city, etc.)
– I take heed lest through remission (seeming lessening of symptoms) and indolence (laziness, idleness, sloth, lethargy, sluggishness, inaction) some destructive calamity suddenly overtakes my sphere.

The Spirit of Sleep is the adversary of a watcher. To sleep is to be dead, inactive and inoperative. Sleep yields sloth and eventually sin. It causes the watcher to be indifferent, that is, to be unconcerned, uncaring, uninterested, uninvolved, lackluster, mediocre.

1 Thessalonians 5: 6-7 Watchers should not sleep, as others do, but should be watchful and sober.

1 Peter 5:8 Watchers are sober, that is, calm and collected in spirit; temperate; circumspect; not influenced by strong emotions so are able to be rational and impartial.

Isaiah 21:11  Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

In these perilous times, God is calling for the Woman to arise and take her seat as a Watcher in the Earth. Will you rise as a Watcher?

1. The Blog Post I am ‘ezer
2. The Bible StudyI am Adam. I am Female. I am `ezer.
3. The Prayer Room Strategy for Warfare