CARRIERS: What are you carrying?

God created the original and then empowered it to reproduce after its kind. This He made possible by creating every living organism to be a carrier. All living things are carriers of thoughts, desires, and inventions of God. Locked within the DNA of every living being are the secrets of God’s plans for Earth. 

We are carriers of the blueprints or instructions needed for the development, sustenance, and reproduction of that which God wants to see manifested upon Earth. We are carrying a promise; a word of God. A lot of what God says about us is encoded in what we are carrying.

Similarly, the Lord God has encoded within you aptitudes, talents, gifts, and capacities. You may not be aware of them all, but they are in you and are designed to be passed on to another, to be passed on to this world.

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, has buried within you the building blocks for leaders, inventors, deliverers, etc. Rahab did not know that she was carrying part of the genetic code that would be built to form David, a warrior king and a Savior, Jesus.

Women, we are double carriers. We, like men, carry genetic instructions for creating life, but we also carry that life for a gestational period after it is created. This is reason that we are particularly hated by the Adversary. In Genesis 3:15, the Lord God made a promise to the Adversary. God told the serpent,

I’m declaring war between you and the Woman,
    between your offspring and hers.
He’ll wound your head,
    you’ll wound his heel.” (MSG)

“And I will put enmity (open hostility)
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed (offspring) and her [a]Seed;
He shall [fatally] bruise your head,
And you shall [only] bruise His heel.” (AMP)

Satan hates us and our seed/offspring.  

He hates us for our ability to receive, carry and bear seed.

He is threatened by what we are carrying, because we carry the blueprint that can create the weapon for his destruction.

He knows, it would seem more than we do, the power of what we are carrying. God, in his omnipotence, made a declaration and it was so. There is a war, open hostility, between the Woman and the Adversary and between the Woman’s seed and the Adversary’s seed. Humans are the women seed.

As women, we are so frequently faced with diverse battles, not realizing that the struggle is a result of what we are carrying. In spite of the struggle today, be encouraged that you were made for this. You are a carrier’ you have the anointing to hold that which has been conceived in you and bring it to its expected end. Know that you are carrying valuable cargo and it is your right and responsibility to fight to protect it.

Father God, please strengthen us for the fight! Strengthen us to walk in the grace that you have given us as carriers so the materialization of your wills, plans, and purposes can be manifested in the Earth. Amen!

1. Blog Post: Carriers – Make The Right Connection!
2. Bible Study: Carriers: Authorized Transportation Agents
3. Prayer Room: Warfare for Your Children
4. YouTube Video: Can God Trust You With Your Assignment?