Be Rid of the “Thorns”

Dear Father,

Thank you for reminding me that there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. Thank you for reminding me that, through your Holy Spirit, I have power to be free from the thorns that have entangled themselves around Your word in my heart.

Holy Spirit, please help me to rid my heart of the thorns that have been there since birth: lusts for things, deceitfulness of riches, pleasures of life, and cares of life. Please release me from the chokehold of these thorns so that I can breathe again, be strengthened, and bring forth much fruit.

Holy Spirit, please teach me how to tend and keep the soil of my heart so that I can bring forth fruit to maturity. I bind the spirits of worry, anxiety, and fear that have come to choke out the truth of God’s word about who I am and what I am equipped to do. I dispel every spirit of distraction, their devices and schemes designed to choke the word of God out of me. I bring an end to their operations and command their growth in my heart to cease and their machinations to dry up from the root.

Anxieties will not distract me. The cares of this life will not distract me.

Deceitfulness of riches will not distract me. Lust of other things will not distract me.

My heart is now cleansed from every thorn, by the power of the blood of Jesus. I declare that my heart is good ground, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that I have ears and they hear the word that the Spirit says to the church. I understand the word heard. I believe and act upon the word heard. With patience, I bear fruit and bring forth an abundant crop. “The environment (condition) of my heart determines the productivity of my life.” My life is producing abundance because my heart is good ground.

Thank you for deliverance, Father. AMEN!

See Blog Post – Good Seed, Crowded Soil