A Weapon of War – ME

What if I was never born?

How would this world be different if my existence and all that such an existence affected were obliterated?

How have I changed the world in a positive way?

Today I celebrate the end and beginning of another year on earth. As I reflect on my day of birth and my purpose for being sent to earth by the Most High God, I am reminded of the fact that the knowledge of who I am is one of my greatest weapons in this spiritual war. I am reminded that I was sent as a unique weapon of warfare to facilitate change in this world; to promote the advancement of the kingdom of God here on earth. I am reminded that I matter, because my assignment matters. My assignment involves changing individuals, changing nations; enabling change that will cause the will of God to be manifested here on earth.

My reflections bring to mind the memory that my birth and existence spurred my mother to surrender her life to God, which resulted in my father’s salvation, changing the path and trajectory of my family’s life. His subsequent decision, as head of our home, to migrate to another island a few years after my birth, positioned me to reside in a number of different countries, providing me with different perspectives of life here on earth.  Further contemplations reveal how God used these various places of abode to familiarize me with diverse peoples and cultures, an act that would sharpen the weapon called ME.

Experiences such as being a young, single mother then marrying somewhat later in life – being given a second chance at being a mother – continued to shape me into the skilled weapon of warfare that God intended me to be. My marriage to my husband also changed the trajectory of his life, putting him on a path to affect the kingdom in ways that he never imagined. This marriage produced 3 warriors that I was blessed to be a carrier of; my three “arrows”, Persephanie, Grace, and John. The Holy Spirit reminds me that they too were sent on assignment to do great damage to and lead renown wars and revolutions against the kingdom of darkness.

What if I was never born? What would become of so many children who were born with special needs. Shortly after my marriage my husband and I founded the Visionaries for Christ Academy, an educational institution for children ages 6 weeks to 16 years old. Through this institution, we provided education for students with and without disabilities, as well as advocated for their rights to education. This advocacy affected change in our nation’s policies and laws in regards to special education students and their national assessments.

Of course, I cannot forget my assignment to the body of Christ. I reminisce on how God endowed me with the gift of teaching to influence the thought patterns/belief systems of the people of the kingdom as it relates to living as God intended humans to live in this world. I can see the faces of so many whose spiritual eyes were opened, because I yielded to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

This is what the Lord said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 9:24 (AMP), “But let the one who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me [and acknowledges Me and honors Me as God and recognizes without any doubt], that I am the Lord who practices lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth, for in these things I delight,” says the Lord.

Today I do not boast in myself. I boast in knowing the Lord and being able to carry out His assignment, His will and His counsel as it pertains to my being here on earth. I honor Him by being the vessel, instrument, and weapon that he created and fashioned me to be. I am a weapon of war fashioned by the Almighty.

1. Devotional : God’s Battle Ax
2. Bible Study: Jael, Wife of Heber the Kenite
3. Prayer Room: I Know Who I Am

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