It Just Might Be An Illusion!

What animals do you see?

Have you ever been discussing an issue or topic with someone and was baffled as to why it was so hard for them to see the obvious? The discussion begins to get out of hand. It deteriorates into a disagreement and then to a full-blown heated argument.

At the beginning of the dialogue, you both started out with the same goal; to exchange ideas so as to reach a decision, but instead you leave the conversation, not focused on the issue at hand, rather on the hurt and offense that you feel. Nothing was achieved; you did not reach a consensus because of your difference in opinion.

WHAT HAPPENED? You saw a horse, while he saw a frog. She saw a rabbit, but you saw a duck. You saw 3 bricks; he saw 4. You were both perceiving the same reality differently because of where your eyes [your mind’s eyes] were focused.

The pictures of the animals above are optical illusions. An Optical Illusion is an experience of seeming to see something that does not exist or that is other than it appears.

That situation you’re facing right now, the one for which you’ve been asking God for an answer or direction, what are you seeing? Can you trust your sight? May I submit that what you’re seeing might just be an illusion? Or it might just be partial sight?

Our perceptions and perspectives aren’t truth. We live by faith [in God’s word] and not by our sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). His thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). If we are going to become the W.O.M.E.N. we were created to be, then we have got to learn how to guard our sight.

1. The Bible Study Change of Focus = Change of Perspective
2. Prayer RoomLord Guard My Focus (1); Lord Guard My Focus (2)

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